Version 6.40.00

(Includes all changes since version 6.39.00)

Digital Surfacing

Changes were made to support SDF data being returned from Essilor Digital - the resulting data point file(s) will be saved with an extension of .SDF instead of .STF if the data bounded by the ZZENCRYPT tags contains REQ=SDF (version 6.39.01).

Support for the non-VCA version of the Epson-Seiko calculator has been added.  Labs that own a license code for the pre-VCA version of this calculator can now set it up and use it in Rx-Universe (version 6.40.00).

Some LDS vendors prefer to determine the engraving mask (ENGMASK) and/or the material name (LMATNAME) to be sent to devices.  A checkbox has been added to the digital type, on the Device tab - if checked, and the corresponding label is sent in the LMS file, that value will be sent to devices requesting that label, over-riding the normal settings in Rx-Universe (version 6.40.00).

Device Interfaces

User defined labels _TRAY, _ADDON have been added to the VCA interface; the first outputs the tray number for the order (useful if order number is used to retrieve the job), and the latter label populates any addon codes associated with the job.  The _ADDON label will be output multiple times, once for each addon on the order (version 6.40.00).

Blocked prism (KPRVM) is normally sent only to a surface blocker (a device that identifies itself as SBK).  For other devices, KPRVM is set as the prism that was "actually" blocked, rather than prism that "is to be" blocked.  This has been changed for FIL interfaces - KPRVM is now exported to a file interface as the prism that "is to be" blocked.  This was necessary since files are often exported before any processing is done (and therefore before the job is actually blocked) (version 6.40.00).


Inventory Mass Maintenance has been changed to allow a maximum value of 9999 days for the Minimum and Maximum Supply Days (version 6.40.00).