Version 6.49.00


Changed the file that gets sent to Vision Web to send the prescribed prism instead of the calculated prism (version 6.48.01).

Fixed issue with OCHT not using the default BOC (from system parameters) when no BOC is specified on the order (version 6.48.04).

Novar expects uncut decentration to be sent as BCERIN/UP just as IOT, Profit, etc. (version 6.48.04).

Right-eye only digital jobs were sometimes having set value calculated incorrectly because the front curve index was left over from the non-existent left eye, resulting in incorrect front radius of curvature.  This has been corrected (version 6.48.05).

The FWD label was being sent as FWD=0 if not present for a job, which was an invalid value.  If the label is not used for a lens design, it should be sent as FWD=?.  This has been corrected.  The same change has also been made for the NOD label (version 6.48.06).


Customer Service

Changes were made to Customer Service to speed up the display of the screen, when the filter is set to "Active Orders" (version 6.48.06).


Modifications were made to the Essilor Report.  If the ftp user is not specified on the ESSD record, then "Essilor Reports" is used. Similarly, if the password is not set on the ESSD record, "r3p0rt!" is used. These are the defaults for Essilor. Only try to send an email if the smtp server is set, and only try to ftp the file if the ftp name is set on the ESSD record (version 6.48.02).


Changed to improve file error handling when connecting to the Moncton server in Canada (version 6.48.03).

Per California’s proposition 65, polycarbonate lenses sold within the State of California require a notice on the invoice stating that the product is known to cause cancer and/or birth defects.

A new text field has been added to the Orders2 tab in System Settings (see below).  The text field is set initially to a default phrase, but this can be changed by the lab.  Note that it is the lab’s responsibility to ensure that the message printed meets any legal responsibility of the lab, so checking with legal counsel in California might be prudent.

To have the message print on all orders with a polycarbonate lens for all customers, check the “Print PROP65 msg for all customers” as shown below.  If you just wish to have the message print for a particular customer and/or ship-to, please check the box on the appropriate database. Currently the message will only be printed on invoice format # 99 and stock invoice format # 99 (version 6.49.00).




The NOD default value on the lens style database was not accepting anything below .3  This has been corrected to allow a value from .25 to .50 (version 6.48.06).