Version 6.52.04

Released 6 January 2017


A problem was introduced in version 6.52.00 which affected the iFlex server interface.  This version corrects a problem where the interface could get into a loop where the LMS and device would initialize over and over (version 6.52.01).

Frame VCA Exports were not working correctly; they were displaying 2020 values.  This has been corrected (version 6.52.03).

Changed FED to be double the longest radius of a trace (per VCA standard). Also, added support for FEDAX when there is a trace present (version 6.52.04).

Digital Interfaces

A change was made to Essilor Digital interfaces which allows labs which use a laser engraver, and where Essilor returns ENGMARK records to the lab, to also use mechanical engraving (by means of the LNAM field).  Previously, a lab could not do both, because the BCERIN/BCERUP values would be different for the two devices.  As long as the lab is configured so that Essilor returns different BCERIN/BCERUP values inside the device-specific parts of the LMS file, Rx-Universe will now recognize these different values and pass them to the appropriate devices (version 6.52.01).

Order Entry

When creating a one eye only on an "Uncut With No Frame", it was prompting for the Crib and ELLH for both eyes.  This has been corrected (version 6.52.02).

Miscellaneous Changes

The Lens Style database was modified to expand the template field which was needed for IOT (version 6.52.02).

Made modifications to destroy bitmap images in the programs upon exiting.  At a customer site, when the remote processor hit around 6560 jobs, it would give a file error 94,10, which indicates there are no more file handles (version 6.52.02).

Fixed problem where frame traces were not importing (version 6.52.03).