Stock Lens Pricing

Stock Lens Pricing

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This document provides instructions for setting up and maintaining prices and quantity breaks for lenses in the stock-pricing module.


From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 4 – Pricing Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 9 – Stock Lens Prices and press Enter.

The Stock Lens Options menu displays.

Use the menu options shown in the diagram above to add, edit or delete sphere and cylinder ranges, material codes, lens styles, diameters, lens colors, selling prices, cost, and taxing information for stock lenses.

You can set up four quantity breaks to determine when to price lenses from the next tier price. You can also use the Account Material Configuration Editor to set individual accounts to price from selected tiers.

Stock lenses can be set up to price and re-order through inventory. A simple scan of the lens barcode and the lens is priced, decremented from inventory, and flagged for re-order. When the lens barcode gets scanned, Optifacts looks up the lens description and prices it according. You can use this feature even if the lab does not have the inventory package. Ask an Optifacts representative for instructions.

It is quick and straightforward to set up different prices for stock lenses or even semi-finished lenses that the laboratory may sell outright to other laboratories. In addition, stock billing can be second nature by using materials and lens styles already familiar to Order Entry Operators.

Add/Edit Stock Lens (No Inventory)

Select Option 1 - Add/Edit Lens No Invtry and press Enter

  • Enter all applicable data as described below.
  • Press Enter past each field.

Are All the Entries Correct (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” and Enter to confirm the entry and continue.
  • Press “N” to make changes.

When adding or editing stock lens entries, you get prompted for the information shown in the diagram above. Material, Style, Diameter, and Color cannot be edited in existing entries, although you can alter the remaining fields.

Optifacts will use the values in the eight prompt locations shown to query the database for any matches. If any matches are found, you get prompted to edit the entries.

  • Responding “Yes” will begin editing at the prompt for Sphere Range.
  • Responding “No” will skip the current entry and display the next entry.
  • If no other entries exist, the cursor returns to the material code field, and you get prompted for a new entry.

Unlike most other editors, this editor is not linked to any other databases. The Material, Style, Diameter, and Color in this database do not have to exist on the system. You may enter any letters you wish, although we recommend using some easy-to-remember entries or listing the entries available for entry operators. Entering SVST for Single Vision Stock lenses and SFSV for Semi-Finished Single Vision lenses are typical entries used by the lab. You can use other codes for multifocal, such as D28, which are also commonly used for Flat Top 28mm bifocal lenses.

The bottom of the screen will always hint what to enter at the current field and any special function or editing keys.

Stock Lens Entries (Prices by Description)

The diagram above shows all of the entries for stock lenses, and the following explains each field individually.

Material - Enter a material code for the stock entry. The material code does not need to exist on the system. However, we recommend using the same material codes in the material database to keep things consistent on the system. Material code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Style - Enter a lens style for the stock entry. The lens-style does not need to exist on the system. We recommend using the same Lens Style code as used in Order Entry to assist operators with remembering the codes. Entering SVST for Single Vision Stock lenses and SFSV for Semi-Finished Single Vision lenses is common.  You can use other codes for multifocal, such as D28, which are also commonly used for Flat Top 28mm bifocal lenses. Lens-style field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Diameter - Enter the diameter of the lens for this entry. Diameter field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Color - Enter the color of the lens for this entry. The color code does not need to exist on the system. However, we recommend using the same color codes in the color database to keep things consistent on the system. Therefore, color code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Sph Range Start (Incl.) - Enter the beginning sphere range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. An entry of -1.00 is lower than 0.00, etc. The beginning range is an inclusive number. The beginning sphere range must be lower than the ending sphere range.

Sph Range End (Excl.) - Enter the ending sphere range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. The ending range is an exclusive number and must be larger than the beginning sphere range. For example, to cover a range up to and including 2.00, you would make an entry of 2.01.

Cyl Range Start (Incl.) - Enter the beginning cylinder range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. An entry of 0.00 is lower than 0.01, etc. The beginning range is an inclusive number. The beginning cylinder range must be lower than the ending cylinder range.

Cyl Range End (Excl.) - Enter the ending cylinder range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. The ending cylinder range must be larger than the beginning cylinder range. The ending range is an exclusive number. For example, enter 0.00 for the beginning cylinder range and 0.01 for the ending cylinder range to cover just sphere powers and no cylinders.

A Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 1 or A. Quantity breaks are determined with the add/edit quantities menu option in the stock lens options menu. This field is also the price charged if not using quantity discounts.

B Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 2 or B. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

C Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 3 or C. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

D Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 4 or D. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

A Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens into the quantity break A or tier 1 field. If requested, Optifacts can be customized to print the cost along with the price on stock invoices.

B Cost: Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break B or tier 2.

C Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break C or tier 3.

D Cost: Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break D or tier 4.

Inv Discountable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be a discountable item on the invoice.

Fedrl Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for federal tax.

State Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for state tax.

Local Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for local tax.

Add/Edit Stock Lens (Inventory)

Select Option 2 - Add/Edit Lens Inventory and press Enter.

  • Enter all applicable data as described below.
  • Press enter past each field.

Are All the Entries Correct (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” and Enter to confirm the entry and continue
  • Press “N” to make changes.

When adding or editing lenses via inventory, the system will prompt for the information shown in the diagram above. If the prices are for any lens manufacturer’s product, use an asterisk (*) in the manufacturer code field. If the price is specific to a particular manufacturer, enter the manufacturer code in this field.

Optifacts will use the values in the prompt locations shown to query the database for any matches. If any matches get found, the system will prompt to edit the entries.

  • Responding “Yes” will begin editing at the prompt for the Sphere Range Start.
  • Responding “No” will skip the current entry and display the next entry.
  • If no additional entries exist, the cursor will return to the manufacture code field, and you get prompted for a new entry.

Unlike regular stock pricing, this editor links to other databases. The Material, Style, Diameter, and Color entered in this database should coincide with the entries made in inventory.

The bottom of the screen will always display hints about what to enter at the current field and any special function or editing keys.

Stock lens entries (Price by SKU)

The diagram above shows all of the entries for the editor screen. The following explains each of the fields individually.

Manufacturer Code - Enter the manufacturer. If the price is not manufacturer dependent, enter an asterisk (*) to indicate all vendors. Manufacturer code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Material - Enter a material code for the stock entry. The material code should be identical to the material code used in the lens database. Material code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Style - Enter a lens style for the stock entry. The lens-style code should be identical to the lens style code used in the lens database. Style code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Seg Size - Enter the beginning and ending segment size (range) for the lens begin priced. If the lens does not have a segment size (single vision, executives, progressives, etc.), leave this range entry as 0. Seg Size field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Lens Type - If you are entering prices for an aspheric or progressive product, enter the applicable type code in this field; otherwise, leave the entry as NA. Lens type code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Diameter - Enter the beginning and ending diameter range of the lens. This range is inclusive. An entry of 70.0 to 70.0 will limit the price to only 70mm lenses. Diameter field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Color - Enter the color code of the lens. The color code should be identical to the color code used in your inventory. Color code field edit is not allowed on existing entries.

Sph Range Start (Inclusive) - Enter the beginning sphere range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. An entry of -1.00 is lower than 0.00, etc. The beginning range is an inclusive number. The ending sphere range must be numerically greater than the beginning sphere range.

Sph Range End (Inclusive) - Enter the ending sphere range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. The ending range is an inclusive number. The ending sphere range must be numerically greater than the beginning sphere range.

Cyl Range Start (Inclusive) - Enter the beginning cylinder range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. An entry of 0.00 is lower than 0.01, etc. The beginning range is an inclusive number. The beginning cylinder range must be numerically lower than the ending cylinder.

Cyl Range End (Inclusive) - Enter the ending cylinder range. The ranges are interpreted from lowest to highest, as shown in the example above. The ending cylinder range must be numerically greater than the beginning cylinder range. The ending range is an inclusive number. The ending cylinder range must be numerically greater than the beginning cylinder range.

Description - Enter the description of the lens.

A Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 1 or A. Quantity breaks are determined with the add/edit quantities menu option in the stock lens options menu. This field is also the price charged if not using quantity discounts.

B Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 2 or B. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

C Price - Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 3 or C. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

D Price: Enter the price to charge for this entry on tier 4 or D. This field may be left blank if not utilizing the quantity discount feature.

A Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break A or tier 1. If requested, Optifacts can be customized to print the cost along with the price on stock invoices.

B Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break B or tier 2.

C Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break C or tier 3.

D Cost - Optional. Enter the cost for this lens in the quantity break D or tier 4.

Inv Discountable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be a discountable item on the invoice.

Fedrl Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for federal tax.

State Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for state tax.

Local Taxable - Enter a Y for Yes or N for No to determine if this entry will be eligible for local tax.

Delete Stock Lens

Delete Stock Lens No Invtry

Select Option 3 - Delete Stock Lens and press Enter.

  • Enter all applicable data as described below.
  • Press Enter past each field.

Are All the Entries Correct (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” and press enter to confirm the entry and continue
  • Press “N” to make changes.

Use this option to permanently delete one or more stock lens entries from stock pricing.

The diagram above shows the entries required to query the database for any matches. After entering information into the fields above, the database gets searched for any matching queries.

If unsure of the exact entry, you may enter asterisks (*) for the fields Material, Style, and Color and enter -30.00 for the sphere range start, 30.00 for the sphere range end, -30.00 for the cylinder range start, and 30.00 for the cylinder range end. (as shown in the diagram above. The specific diameter still needs to be entered, All entries with the same diameter are found, and you get prompted to delete the current entry.

  • Responding “Yes” will delete the entry.
  • Responding “No” will keep the current entry and skip to the next entry.
  • Press the Escape key at any time to abort or exit the Delete Stock Lens function and return to the Stock Lens Options menu.

Delete Stock Lens (Inventory)

Use this option to permanently delete one or more stock lens inventory entries from stock pricing.

Select Option 4 - Delete Stock Lens Inventory and press Enter.

  • Enter all applicable data as described below.
  • Press Enter past each field.

Are All the Entries Correct (Y/N)?

  • Press “Y” and enter to confirm the entry and continue
  • Press “N” to make changes.

The diagram above shows the entries required to query the database for any matches. After entering information into the fields above, the database gets searched for any matching queries.


Matching entries will be found, and a prompt will display to delete the current entry.

  • Responding “Yes” will delete the entry.
  • Responding “No’ will keep the current entry and skip to the next entry.
  • Press the Escape key at any time to abort or exit the Delete Stock Lens function and return to the Stock Lens Options menu.

Stock Lens Quantities

This editor allows the alteration of the quantity break for stock lens purchases. The system will prompt through four screens, similar to the diagram below.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 4 – Pricing Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 3 - Add/Edit Quantities and press Enter.

The Edit Stock Lens Quantities screen displays.


Add/Edit Quantities

You get prompted to enter the quantity breaks for price group A. Price up to and including ten pairs from tier 1, or price group A field of the Contact Lens entry. The system will also prompt for the B, C, and D quantity breaks. Remember to set the Quantity End for quantity break D to 9999 to ensure all quantities entered will have a quantity break.

  • Press the Escape key at any time to abort or exit the screen.

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