Stock Order Pricing

Stock Order Pricing

Stock orders allow Labs a method of supplying unfinished lens blanks to other labs or dispensers.  Therefore a method of pricing the lenses separately from an Rx lens is required.

Stock pricing is accessed via the "Pricing" menu, under "Price Lists" sub-menu and selecting the "Stock Pricing" entry.   This will give access to the "Inventory Stock Pricing" screen.

The first time you enter the screen, you will need to setup a price list code and type, this is done via the "Maintain Pricelists" button.  

Pricelist Codes

The "Stock Pricelist Codes" is a standard maintenance program for adding, deleting and maintaining the stock pricelist codes.

The screen allows you to enter a code, description, pricelist type and comments.

The Pricelist Type determines how the pricelist is used to calculate the prices for stocked order.  There are three methods that can be used to set the price for a stock ordered lens.   

  • Fixed price - the price stored for the lens is used
  • Cost + Amount - the price for the lens is determined by adding an amount to the lens cost
  • Cost + Percentage - the price for the lens is determined by mutiplying the cost by a percentage and adding this amount to the lens cost

Inventory Stock Pricing Screen

When you first enter Inventory Stock Pricing, You need to select the pricelist you want to maintain, then  enter the "Filter By" information for the lenses you want to set pricing for.  Most of the filters have an "All" setting except the "Type" and "Diameter" filter.  The "Type" will allow you to select between finished or semi-finished lens blanks.  The "Diameter" filter, when set to 999 will allow allow lens diameters to be selected, otherwise, the diameter entered will be the filter.  

Press the "Select Lens" button to populate the grid with the inventory lenses and available prices that match the filter entries.   After the grid is populated, the filter area is replaced by a price modifiers that will change the values in the pricing grid.  Note that when a "Cost" based pricelist is selected, an extra column appears in the grid called "Cost Factor", the cost factor is what is used when calculating the stock lens price.

The grid displays the Lens Inventory stock number and description, the lens cost (this is either the vendor cost or the average cost depending on the setting in the main setup information), the lens price (this is blank if no pricing has been setup yet), the taxable flag (the default value is checked) and discountable flags (the default value is un-checked), the cost factor when its a cost based pricelist (this is blank when no pricing is set), and the New Price column (this is blank until a price modification has been carried out.  

The price modifications can be carried out individually by modifying the "Taxable", "Discountable" and "Commission" columns and when a cost based pricelist is used, the "Cost Factor" column is modifiable, and in a price based pricelist, the "New Price" column is modifiable. 

The price modifications can be carried out globally by using the parameters in the "Price Modifications" box.

  • On Price based pricelists
    • Price Adjustment - this field allows you to adjust the current lens price by using the operation code selected to modify the price and give the New Price
    • Replace value operation - this will set the New Price to the value entered
    • Add to value operation -  This will add the value (either positive or negative) from the Price Adjustment field to Lens Price to give the New Price
    • Multiply value by percentage - this will treat the Price adjustment  as a percentage and increase / decrease the Lens price by the percentage entered
  • On Cost based pricelists
    • Cost Factor Adjustment - this field allows you to adjust the current cost factor by using the operation code selected to modify the cost factor and give the New Price
    • Replace value operation - this will set the Cost Factor to the value entered and calculate the New Price
    • Add to value operation -  This will add the value (either positive or negative) from the Cos Factor Adjustment field to Cost Factor and give the New Price
    • Multiply value by percentage - this will treat the Cost Factor adjustment  as a percentage and increase / decrease the Cost factor by the percentage entered and give the New Price
  • Globally Set Prices - when pressed, will process all the lenses in the grid and apply the requested changes
  • All Taxable - When pressed, all the lines will have their Taxable column checked and these items will be taxable if needed
  • All Non-Taxable - When pressed, all the lines will have their Taxable column un-checked and these items will not be taxed
  • All Discountable - When pressed, all the lines will have their Discountable column checked and these items will be part of the discount calculations
  • All Non-Discountable - When pressed, all the lines will have their Discountable column un-checked and these items will be considered "net item value", nodiscounts to be taken
  • All Commissions - When pressed, all the lines will have their Commission column checked and these items will be considered when calculation sales commissions
  • All No-Commissions - When pressed, all the lines will have their Commission column un-checked and these items will not be considered when calculating sales commissions
  • Unselect Lenses - When pressed, the lens grid will be cleared, and the program returns to the Filter By entry screen

When globally setting prices, if the adjustment causes one of the lenses price to fall below the lens cost, a warning message will be displayed and the Cost Factor or New Price cell of the grid line will be displayed as a red box 

Pressing the save button will take all the changes made in the pricing grid and create the stock pricing records.

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