Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) Expected Pick Up Time

Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) Expected Pick Up Time

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This document provides instructions for setting up the configuration to calculate the next expected pick-up time for a fixed bin and output it to the XML Invoice (delivery note) when a job is mailed out. This process is used best when there are multiple pick-up times a day or different pick-up times on different days.



$CWD/progs/ofdemon (update to use tt_ststop table)

$CWD/progs/custed (update to include Track Stages Editor)

$CWD/tt_forms/bin_close.frm (update to include steps)

A new table bin_close_times has been created.

Custom Configurations

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 6 –Configuration Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 6 – Edit Custom Configuration and press Enter.

The Custom Configuration Editor displays

  • Press "Q" to Query to ensure that the table below exists.

If the table does not exist:

  • Press "A" to add a new record.

  • Enter all the information as shown below.

  • Press Escape to save the data.

  • Press "E" to exit.

Account Configuration

Pick-up times are assigned by Zone which is stored in the Fixed Bin # field for a customer account.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 1 – Customer Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 4 – Add/Edit Account and press Enter.

  • Fill in the Company code, Branch code, Sales Territory code, Account number, and press Enter.

The Account information is displayed on the screen.

  • Press Enter until you reach the Fixed Bin # field.

  • Select Option the bin number and continue to press Enter past all fields.

Is the data correct (Y/N)?

  • Press "Y" if correct and save the data

  • Or, press "N" to edit.

  • Press Escape 4 times to exit.

Expected Pick-up Time Configuration

The zone pick-up times must be entered for each day of the week that there is a pick-up. If there is no pick-up on a day, do not put in an entry for it.

                Sunday = 0

                Monday = 1

                Tuesday = 2

                Wednesday = 3

                Thursday = 4

                Friday = 5

                Saturday = 6

Times are entered using the 24-hour format as HHMMSS. For example, 4 pm would be entered as 160000. The screenshot example shown below is for a 1:30 pm pick-up on Tuesday (weekday number 2) for Zone/Fixed Bin 1.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.

Select Option 1 – Customer Database Editor and press Enter.

Select Option 18 – Expected Pick-Up Time Editor and press Enter.

The Expected Pick-up Times Editor displays.

  • Press "A" to add a new record.
  • Fill in all the information as applicable, pressing Enter past each field.
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Press "E" to exit.

The example shown below is for a 1:30 pm pick-up on Tuesday (weekday number 2) for Zone/Fixed Bin 125.

Entering a Job

  • Enter a job in Order Entry that fits the criteria for an expected pick-up time as entered in the steps above.

At Mailout, the expected pick-up time will then be output into /delivery_note/courier_info/courier_pickup?time tag:

<courier_pickup_time>2010-01-25 08:00</courier_pickup_time>

Example Process

Zone/Fixed Bin 125 has three daily pick-ups Monday through Friday: 8 am, 10:30 am, and 1:30 pm. Account 12345 is assigned to Zone/Fixed Bin 125.

There will be fifteen entries in the bin_close_times table for Zone/Fixed Bin 1:

Zone / Fixed BinWeek Day NumberExpected Pick-up Time
1251 (Monday)80000 (8:00 AM)
1251103000 (10:30 AM)
1251133000 (!;30 PM)
1252 (Tuesday)80000
1253 (Wednesday)80000
1254 (Thursday)80000
1255 (Friday)80000

If today is Friday and the job for account 12345 is mailed out at 9 am, Friday’s date and 10:30 are output into the courier_pickup_time tag because 10:30 is the next expected pick-up time for that zone.

If today is Friday and the job for account 12345 is mailed out at 2 pm, after the last pick-up of the day for that zone on Friday, Optifacts will look to see what the next pick-up time for that zone would be which is next Monday at 8 am as there are no pick-ups for this zone on Saturday or Sunday. Monday’s date and 08:00 are output into the courier_pickup_time tab.

To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.

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