Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) Setup, Process & Reports
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This document provides instructions for setting up the configuration to calculate the Estimated Delivery Date with courier closing using fixed bin instead of courier name.
Custom Configurations
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 6 –Configuration Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 6 – Edit Custom Configuration and press Enter
The Custom Configuration Editor displays
Press "Q" to Query to ensure that the table below exists.
If the table does not exist:
Press "A" to add a new record.
Enter all the information as shown below.
Press Escape to save the data.
Press "E" to exit.
EDD Calc in Hours (Optional)
Estimated Delivery Date can be calculated either by hours or by days. The default is days. Enabling this configuration would instead use hours.
Store EDD date as the Date Needed (Optional)
The following Custom Configuration is used to store the EDD date as the Date Needed date and does not apply to all labs. The Date Needed can be when the customer needs the job if the order entry operator enters it that way. EDD is the date the lab expects to deliver it.
EDD Debug (Optional)
The following Custom Configuration is used for the lab to trigger the EDD debug to print in the demon log for support to view without restarting the ofdemons. It should only be enabled as needed then disabled again.
Fixed Bin Custom Configuration (Optional)
The following Custom Configuration is used to force the use of fixed bin instead of courier name.
If using fixed bins, then a Customer Database Modification is needed, as described further in this document.
Customer Database Modification
If your lab is using fixed bins, then you must update the customer accounts. The Fixed Bin number is set in the Customer Database Editor under Account.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Customer Database Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 4 – Add/Edit Account and press Enter.
Fill in the Company code, Branch code, Sales Territory code, Account number, and press Enter.
The Account information is displayed on the screen.
Press Enter until you reach the Fixed Bin # field.
Enter the bin number and continue to press Enter past all fields.
Is the data correct (Y/N)?
Press "Y" if correct and save the data
Or, press "N" to edit.
Press Escape 4 times to exit.
Job Data Definition
The following Job Data Definition is required.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 7 – Edit Job Data Definitions and press Enter.
The Prompt Configuration for Miscellaneous Job-Related Data window is displayed.
- Press "A" to add a new record.
- Enter all the applicable data as shown below, pressing Enter past each field.
- Press Escape to save the data.
- Press "E" to exit.
EDD Calendar Dates
Calendar Dates are used to indicate what is considered both working days and working hours for the lab.
The Calendar set up must be repeated for each month of the year and any future dates.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 1 - Calendar Dates and press Enter.
The Add/Edit Calendar screen is displayed.
The year is populated with the current year.
- System ID - Optional
- Press the Enter key to move to the applicable month.
- Type S to select the month and press Enter.
The following screen displays.
Option 1
- Press “Y” to set all days of the month to working days.
- Press “N” to change the date from Worked to Non-Worked and press Enter.
- Enter the Beginning Time.
- Enter the Ending Time.
- Use the Down arrow key to move to the next date.
- Repeat the process for each day of the month.
- Press Escape to save the data.
Option 2
- Press “N” to set all days of the month as non-working days.
- Press “Y” to change the date from Non-Worked to Worked and press Enter.
- Enter the Beginning Time.
- Enter the Ending Time.
- Use the Down arrow key to move to the next date.
- Repeat the process for each day of the month
- Press Escape to save the data.
Option 3
- Press “H” to set all days of the month to half working days.
- Press “N” to change the date from Worked to Non-Worked and press Enter.
- Enter the Beginning Time.
- Enter the Ending Time.
- Use the Down arrow key to move to the next date.
- Repeat the process for each day of the month.
- Press Escape to save the data.
EDD Account Cut-off Times
Account Cut-Off Times is the time of day that if a new order comes in. If an order comes in after the cut-off time, an extra day will be added to the Estimated Delivery Date.
A cut-off time must be set for either account ‘0’ for all accounts or the specific account for the estimated delivery date to be calculated.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 2 - Account Cut-off Times and press Enter.
The Add/Edit Account Cut-off Times screen displays.
- System ID - Optional
- Enter the priority number
- Enter the account number (or account ‘0’ for all accounts) for the account you wish to calculate the estimated delivery date and indicate a cut-off time.
- Enter the Bill-to/Ship-to code (B for Bill-to, S for Ship-to).
- Enter the Ship-to code for the cut-off time (only used if not account ‘0’). This can be used to indicate different cut-off times between account ship-to addresses.
- Enter the cut-off time in a 24-hour format, including hours, minutes, and seconds with no separators. So, 4:30 pm would be indicated as “163000”.
- Press Enter and the program will give an acceptance message, pause, and then return to the Account Number prompt.
Courier Setup
Courier Setup only needs to be done if your couriers are not already set up for other processes.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 - Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 6 - Configuration Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 1 - Edit Account Messages and press Enter.
The Account Message Configuration screen is displayed.
Enter account 0 for a global message. If it is a message for a specific account, then enter the account number.
If adding, editing, or deleting a courier code (M-Z), you must enter 0.
The following screen displays.
Enter a letter (M-Z) to represent a shipping method to print on the invoice, this corresponds to the miscellaneous code number 3 in the customer edit for the ship-to. This message can be up to 20 characters. This prints at the bottom of the ship to box, several lines below the patient's name.
"Adding new messages." is displayed.
Enter the message.
Press F2 to save the entry.
The screen displays "New message added"
EDD Courier Pick Up Time
Courier Pick-Up Time is for the time the courier picks up the order. Any job expected after the pick-up time gets 1 day added to the time.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 3 – Courier Pick-Up Times and press Enter.
The Add/Edit Courier Pick-up Time screen displays.
- Enter the same wording for the courier precisely as entered in Account Messages.
- System ID (Optional)
- Type in the pick-up time in 24-hour format, including hours, minutes, and seconds with no separators. So, 4:30 pm would be indicated as “163000”.
- Press Enter and the program gives an acceptance message, pauses, and then returns to the Courier Name prompt.
- Press Escape to exit.
EDD Lite-ups Table
The EDD Lite-Ups table is used to add time for specific lite-ups. This can be either by account and lite-up or just by lite-up for all accounts (account 0).
This time can be over-ridden by the Account Control Settings if the lite-up is entered there as well.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 5 – Lite-ups Table and press Enter.
The Add/Edit Courier Pick-up Time screen displays.
- System ID (Optional)
- Type in the account number (or account ‘0’ for all accounts).
- Type in the ship-to code for the lite-up time (only used if not account ‘0’). This table can indicate different lite-up times between account ship-to addresses but are not required and bypassed by pressing Enter.
- Enter the Num and Bit for the Lite-up for which you wish to add time.
- To find the num and bit for the lite-up, go to Optifacts menu 11-14 and run the Pricing Options Available Report.
- Enter the number of days (or hours, depending on the custom configuration) to add for the lite-up.
- Press Enter, and the program gives an acceptance message, pauses, and then returns to the Account Number prompt.
- Press Escape to exit.
Group Tables
The Group Tables are the same as the ones used for job routing rules. The same group definitions can be used in both places without double entry. The priority number allows for the user to say which record takes priority over the others. The priority field, combined with whatever is filled in below it, is used to match against the job and assign the Group Name Set for the style, material, color, and prescription.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
- 6 Group Style Table
- 7 Group Material Table
- 8 Group Color Table
- 9 Group Rx Table
- Press "E" to exit.
EDD Account Control Table
The Account Control Table is used to indicate what type of job this is – a progressive lens can take more days to process than a single vision stock lens, for example. Each eye is calculated separately. If the job is a split and the value for each eye is different, the computer will select the largest time.
Entries in this table can over-ride the time entered in the Lite-ups table if the lite-up num and bit are part of an entry in this table. The style, material, and color fields use both name sets and regular Optifacts codes. The program tries to find a group name set first, and if not there, then tries the regular Optifacts code. If that fails, it uses all Optifacts codes. An example is SV for Single Vision lens. The program looks for SV as a group name set, then it looks for SV code, and finally, it looks for all style codes.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – EDD Editor Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 4 - Account Control Table and press Enter.
The Add/Edit Account Control screen is displayed.
- Enter the account number (or ‘0’ for all accounts) to make a controlled entry.
- Enter the ship-to code for the control (only used if not account ‘0’). This can be used to indicate different controllers between account ship-to addresses.
The following screen displays.
- Enter the controls for the type of job it is. The Priority number allows for the user to say which record takes priority over others. The highest number priority is matched against first. Once it finds a match, it looks for any lite-ups that may be in the record. If there are lite-ups, and the lite-up is turned on, it overrides the value from the edd_liteups table.
- This table is where you can use group name sets to identify the product.
- Enter all applicable data, pressing Enter past each field.
- Press Enter past the last field, and the program gives an acceptance message, pauses, and then returns to the Account Number prompt.
- Press Escape to exit.
Entering a Job
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 4 - Order Entry and press Enter.
- Enter a job that fits the criteria for an entry in the edd_ctrl table as entered in the steps above. The Estimated Delivery Date is stored in the def_value field in the job_data table for the job with a def_name of “EDD DATE.” This date is only updated if the job is recalculated.
EDD Jobs Report
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 13 – Estimated Delivery Date and press Enter.
Select Option 2 - EDD Report Menu and press Enter.
Select Option 6 - EDD Jobs Report and press Enter.
- Select your options from the EDD Report prompts screen.
- The report looks very similar to Quick Lookup. Use the arrow keys to scroll up or down to see all jobs that fit your criteria.
- Press "M" to see miscellaneous information about the job selected.
Other EDD Reports
Other EDD reports available from the EDD Report Menu.
- Calendar Dates Report
- Account Cut-Off Times Report
- Courier Pick Up Times Report
- Account Control Table Report
- Lite-Ups Table Report
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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