Country of Origin Lenses and Frames
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This document provides instructions for setting up the tables that allow the Country of Origin for Rx Lenses and Frames to be defaulted, stored on a per-job basis, and printed (if needed) in an auditable and reportable process
Setup Job Data Defintions
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 7 – Edit Job Data Definitions and press Enter.
- Enter all the information shown in the following three examples by pressing Enter past each field.
Setup Valid Lens Countries of Origin
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 3 – Lens Database Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 8 – Country of Origin Editor and press Enter.
- Enter all of the valid Country Codes and country descriptions and their ISO 3166 country codes for lenses in this editor.
If printing the country of origin on the invoice or work ticket, please keep the names under 16 characters. This character limitation accommodates the invoice/work ticket space and the prefix from the job_def table.
- Press "E" to exit.
Setup Valid Frame Countries of Origin
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 2 – Frame Database Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 11 – Country of Origin Editor and press Enter.
- Enter all of the valid Country Codes and country descriptions and their ISO 3166 country codes for frames in this editor.
- Press "E" to exit.
Default Frame Country of Origin Assignment
Default Country of Origins for frames comes from the f_country field in the o_frm_desc table, loaded with new records into Frame Inventory. This process is not covered in this document.
Default Lens Country of Origin Assignment
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 3 – Lens Database Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 9 – Country of Origin Assignment and press Enter.
- Press "E" to exit.
Entering a Job
(Order Entry or via Translay)
Enter a job through either Order Entry or Translay. If a default country of origin is available for each entered lens, records will get stored in job_data with a def_misc1 of “default.” This value gets recalculated every time the job is rerun through ofdemon if def_misc1 remains “default.” If using the frame library with a frame sku with the f_country field populated in the o_frm_desc table, this value gets stored in the job_data table with def_misc1 = “default.” Again, every time the job is rerun, this will be recalculated if it remains as “default.”
Viewing Entered Data in Quick Lookup
The Count of Origin information gets stored in job_data, which you can view in the job_data screen in Quick Lookup. Select a job with Country of Origin information and press ‘J’ to view the job data.
Reporting Country of Origin in Trallar
The country of origin information is treated exactly like any other job_data record in the nightly trallar file output.
The def_name for the right lens’s country of origin is “COUNTRY ORIGIN RIGHT”
The def_name for the left lens’s country of origin is “COUNTRY ORIGIN LEFT”
The def_name for the frame’s country of origin is “COUNTRY ORIGIN FRAME”
Printing on an Invoice or Work Ticket
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 3 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 6 – Configuration Editor and press Enter.
Select Option 7 – Job Data Definitions and press Enter.
The print in Invoice Box and Invoice Prefix fields in the job_def table indicate where you would like this information to print on your invoice or combo ticket.
Additional lines are added to the combo_tck out specifically for the Country of Origin for lenses and the frame. However, these are not added to the printed combo ticket. (Release 7.6.5)
Output in Statement XML File
(Must be using XML Statement)
If a line item has a Country of Origin (right lens, left lens, frame or line item on a stock invoice) it will be output in the statement XML file in the
/statement/detail/detail_record/itemize_record/country_of_origin XML tag.
At the end of the statement XML file, the countries represented in the statement get summarized in the following:
/statement/trailer/countries_of_origin sub-tags:
./country_line/country_name – the country of origin’s name
./country_line/pieces – the total pieces attributed to this country of origin
./country_line/value – the total net value of the pieces attributed to this country of origin
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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