Version 7.39.00

released 14 June 2021


The VCA device interface has been modified to only calculate the Loh Prism for a valid eye. One-eye jobs were calculating both eyes and storing an incorrect value for the side that wasn’t being manufactured.

ART blocker - in some cases, the block piece sent to the blocker did not match the block piece printed on the work ticket, this has been resolved. Also, if the CRIB was smaller than the smallest ART block available, no ART block piece was selected, the software has been modified to select the smallest available block piece and increase the CRIB value sent to the devices.


New fields have been added in the F12/Opt area (Optional fields tab) that allows the user to enter the SEGDHT if available. The SEGDHT fields are only available if a valid trace is associated with the order. When entered, the SEGHT on the Rx entry screen is calculated based on the entered SEGDHT and the trace measurements. When the SEGDHT fields are specified, the SEGHT fields on the Rx screen are disabled.

Remote Orders

The ability to receive SEGDHT fields has been added. The SEGDHT fields received are only used if a valid trace is associated with the order, otherwise the order is saved as unvalid with an appropriate error message. When valid, the SEGHT for the order is calculated based on the received SEGDHT and the trace measurements.

SEGDHT is the height in millimeters from the top of the segment or fitting cross (if progressive type lens) or the vertical decentration point of a single vision lens,  to the point where the vertical line would cross the frame.  The position of the line would be vertically from the distance power location (see diagram).   

When the SEGDHT is supplied, the value is used along with a trace pattern, to calculate the value of SEGHT of a multi-focal lens or the vertical decentration of a single vision lens.. 


The shipping program has been modified to automatically delete the temporary Job Completion file upon exiting (JOBCOMPL.##).

Blank Selection

A new table allows for certain customers to use only blanks from certain manufacturers during blank selection. For details on how to use this, please see the page

User-defined Work Tickets

Several enhancements have been made to the user-defined work tickets.

  1. Support for colours has been added for text - the following colours are now supported (as demonstrated in a ticket produced with this update):

    The top right box is “Cream”, which is faint but perhaps desired on coloured work ticket paper.

  2. Background colours are also supported, and have been modified to recognize the “Show box only if value exists” checkbox - this allows multiple background-only boxes to be placed in the same location on the work ticket, and displayed based on different user-definable VCA tags. An example could be different coloured boxes indicating different AR coatings. The following background colours are supported:

  3. Support for extended character sets has been added; this allows characters outside the default Windows-1251 character set (such as the € character, or oriental characters) to be displayed on the work ticket.

  4. These changes necessitated a change in the behaviour of the “default” values in the LOHreport program. When setting up a ReportBox item, on the following screen:

    anything entered in the “Value” box will now be printed if the label is not applicable for a given job. Therefore, this value should normally be left blank. This is a change in behaviour from versions of Rx-Universe prior to version 7.39. Note that this COULD be useful when wanting to set a field to a value to be printed in the absence of a field - for example, a default might be set to “No Coating” if such a message were desired in the absence of a coating value.

  5. To aid with conversion of existing templates, a program lohticket-value-eliminator.exe is provided. This will remove all default DCS tag values from a template. To use it, run it from the root Rx-Universe folder in command prompt; the only argument is the name of the template file (including path if necessary). For example, to remove default values from a template named DEFAULT.XML in the RX-XML folder, type (at the command prompt):
    lohticket-value-eliminator.exe RX-XML\DEFAULT.XML

  6. User-defined work tickets now support the use of extended characters (such as the Euro character, certain accented characters for some language, as well as oriental character sets), in both the template itself, as well as text from Rx-Universe fields.

Frame Trace Import

To facilitate import of frame traces from VisionStar to Rx-Universe, the VEN label is now considered equivalent to FMFR, and LIB is now considered synonymous with FRAM.