Version 7.46.01

released 5 April 2022

Work Tickets

An issue was found when using thePCI work ticket and printing the Loh tray barcode. The order remarks would bleed in the barcode making it un-scannable. This has been resolved.

User Defined Work Tickets

The following new tags have been added:
_ONHOLD - the word “On Hold” if the order is currently on hold, or empty otherwise (for watermarks)
_OUTSOURCE - the word “Outsource” if the order is an outsource job, or empty otherwise (for watermarks)

Device Interfaces

Added an option to specify port to the target line of a TCP device session - for complete details, see the page on

Remote Orders

When an “_TRACE” label is received, store the label and its value as a VCA override for the order. This will allow it to be used by the user defined XML documents.

If the “Frame Inventory” module is active, and the raw file sets the order to “Supply frame”, if the frame used has a trace attached, if the raw file also contained HBOX, VBOX or DBL values, those values were being used to resize the trace instead of using the trace attached to the frame as it should.