Version 7.02.02

Released 4 October 2017

Digital Interfaces

For Zeiss digital, multiple LDPATH files are returned and the correct one chosen based on a combination of type, vendor and model.  In some cases, the file was not being sent to the generator.  This has been corrected (version 7.02.01).

A new label, _TEMPORALADD, has been added for Crossbows (version 7.02.01).

Eyezen jobs (and other digital SV with a fitting height and a fitting cross) were not sending the correct values for segment location to the Gerber Step2 blocker (FSEGDN value).   This has been corrected (version 7.02.02).

Database Changes

A new check box,”Use _TEMPORALADD”, has been added to the “Optional Fields” tab for the Lens Style database (version 7.02.01).

Order Entry

Order Entry was modified to no longer allow a user-specified center thickness of zero (version 7.02.01).

Report Changes

The "Job Summary Report” has been modified to add material breakdown (version 7.02.01).

A new “High Breakage Report” has been added to the “Orders in Process” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.02.01).

A new “Sales by Material Report” has been added to the “Completed Orders” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.02.02).

Two new reports have been added to the menu under “Order Reports”; “Daily Customer Order Report (Detail)” and “Daily Customer Order Report (Summary)”.  The “Daily Job Report” has been renamed to “Daily Order Report” (version 7.02.02).

The three A/R reports, “Ageing Report”, “Sales Analysis Report” and “Payment Detail Report”, have been modified to add the ability to create a CSV file (version 7.02.02).

Three Orders in Progress reports have been modified to add the ability to create a CSV file; “Late Jobs in Progress Report”, “Hot Jobs Report” and “Special Jobs Report”.  These reports have also been renamed to use the word “Orders” instead of “Jobs” (version 7.02.02).

The “Digital Report” has been modified to include the Customer Name in the Customer drop down list and also fixed an issue where not all settings were being saved for “Saved Report Settings” (version 7.02.02).


System Settings

The “Use 2017 Email program” variable on the E-mail tab in System Settings was not being saved.  This has been corrected (version 7.02.02).