Version 7.02.01

Released 18 September 2017

Digital Interfaces

For Zeiss digital, multiple LDPATH files are returned and the correct one chosen based on a combination of type, vendor and model.  In some cases, the file was not being sent to the generator.  This has been corrected (version 7.02.01).

A new label, _TEMPORALADD, has been added for Crossbows (version 7.02.01).

Database Changes

A new check box,”Use _TEMPORALADD”, has been added to the “Optional Fields” tab for the Lens Style database (version 7.02.01).

Order Entry

Order Entry was modified to no longer allow a center thickness of zero (version 7.02.01).

Report Changes

The "Job Summary Report” has been modified to add material breakdown (version 7.02.01).

A new “High Breakage Report” has been added to the “Orders in Process” menu under “Order Reports” (version 7.02.01).