Use of LDI (initialization files) with Digital Vendors

Use of LDI (initialization files) with Digital Vendors

Use of LDI (initialization files) with Digital Vendors

Because digital calculators are updated with new designs and features, OMICS recommends using LDI files to determine which labels are sent to a particular interface.  This facilitates easily adding new VCA labels, as required, to existing interfaces.

On the “Digital Surface Types” screen is a field entitled “Full path of INIT (LDI) file.  This should be set to the full pathname where the LDI file either exists, or where you wish it to exist.

The LDI file can be created and edited from the DS type screen, using the button “View/Edit LDI file”:


As long as the “Full path of INIT (LDI) file” is set, the button is enabled.

Upon clicking the button, OMICS attempts to open the LDI file.  If it does not exist, you will be prompted:

If you answer “yes”, OMICS will create an LDI file with the appropriate default labels according to the vendor selected on the screen (based on labels used for each vendor as of January 2011).  The normal edit screen (described next) will then appear.

If the file already exists, the file is loaded and the editing screen displayed.

This is a standard Windows edit window, changes can be made to the file, as required.  It is important to follow the format presented – inclusion of comment lines or invalidly formatted lines may adversely affect the operation of the interface.

Editing is done with standard Windows editing keys – note that to do a line feed (create a new line), you’ll need to use <ctrl><enter> instead of just <enter>.

When you click “save”, the file is saved – if OMICS cannot write the file (usually this is a permissions problem), you’ll get an error similar to this:



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