Frame Inventory General Configuration
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This document provides instructions for setting up the General Configurations for the frame database.
From the Optifacts main menu:
Select Option 12 – Frame-Parts Inventory and press Enter.
Select Option 1 – Editor Utilities and press Enter.
Select Option 1 - General Configuration and press Enter.
The Inventory Configuration screen displays.
- Press "A" to add a new record.
- Enter all the applicable data, pressing enter past each field.
Inventory Configuration Field Definitions
Store Number
- Enter the Store Number if applicable. Leave blank for all.
Select Blanks by Inventory Availability (Y/N)?
- Y – Checks to see if the frames chosen by inventory selection are in stock and, if not, does not select them.
- N – Uses blank selection to determine the best frame for the job regardless of the quantity on-hand status.
Number of Days between Min/Max computation
- The system uses this number entered in computing the average daily use of each SKU.
Retain history information
- Y – Retains a detailed history of frame usage per SKU and job number.
- N – Does not retain the history.
Number of months to retain the history
- Usually, one year (12 months).
Order by Usage or Min/Max computation (U/M)
- U – Enable the Usage Inventory system.
- M – Enables the Min/Max or Perpetual Inventory system.
Number of days" supply for stock computation
- The number in this field is considered the Minimum value of Min/Max
Number of days between normal ordering cycles
- When added to the previous value, this value can be considered the maximum value of Min/Max.
Use which min/max computation procedure (A-D)
- Defaults to A (only option available).
Selecting any letter from A to D will use the same formula. A is the standard.
Average Cost Method of Costing? (Y/N) - This entry affects how the inventory in stock is valued when a manufacturer changes a frame"s price.
- Y – Calculates an average price for the frames based on the number of frames and price paid for each.
- N – Calculates Inventory Costing based on the price paid for each frame.
Blind Counts for Physicals? (Y/N)
- Y – Excludes the Quantity on Hand from cycle count printed forms.
- N – Includes the Quantity on Hand on cycle count printed forms.
Maintain Data for Ledger Report? (Y/N)
- Y – Maintains a summary of usage by SKU for the stock ledger report.
- N – Does not keep a summary of usage by SKU for the stock ledger report.
Check Quantity on Hand and Costs? (Q/C/B/N)
- Q – Check Quantity on Hand only. As each frame gets scanned into a tray, this option checks to see that inventory shows at least one frame in stock. If the quantity on hand for the scanned frame is zero, it does not allow it to be verified until the quantity on hand is more than zero.
- C – Check Costs only. Verifies that there is a cost per frame associated with the frames in inventory.
- B – Check Quantity on Hand and Costs.
- N – Check neither Quantity on Hand nor Costs.
- Press Escape to save the data.
- Press "E" to exit.
To view and download these instructions as a PDF file, click on the following document image.
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