Version 7.40.00

released 15 July 2021

Digital Surfacing

In previous versions of Rx-Universe, thickness and curve-out checks were bypassed for digital jobs by setting blank center thickness to 30.0mm, which resulted in all blanks always being “thick enough” for a digital job.

Because Coburn digital generators require an accurate blank edge thickness (BETHK), this has been changed. Rx-Universe now uses the actual blank center thickness, which results in an accurate blank edge thickness, and the logic has been changed to not generate errors if thickness/curve-out checks fail. As in the past, it is the LDS calculator’s responsibility to determine thickness and curve-out based on the actual back surface that is calculated.

Rx-Xplore XML Export

A “Last changed on” date has been added to the lens maintenance screen, below:

This date is updated each time a lens is modified or updated by any process in Rx-Universe.

This date is then used when exporting lenses to XML; only lenses changed within the date range specified will now be exported to XML. This will greatly reduce the size of the XML file for lenses, and result in faster processing of the file into Rx-Xplore.

Export functions for Accounts Receivable data (Customers and Transactions). Checkboxes to create these files have been added to the Dayend Params tab of System Settings.


/jt/date - requested start times before 10:00:00:00 were not being correctly interpreted - this has been corrected.

A new endpoint for lens breakages on orders is now available.

A new endpoint for lens transactions is now available.


If an order is entered with the SEGDHT fields, if the monocular PD is close to the (frame A measurement + DBL) /2, the resulting SEGHT or vertical decentration is not correct. This has been resolved.

Remote Orders

The remote order labels _TRACE and _SHAPE in certain cases would not find a valid frame tracing. This has been resolved.

The _TRACE and _SHAPE labels have been enhanced to allow then to be saved as is if no resizing fields (HBOX or VBOX) are included in the remote order. If a frame tracing for these labels can’t be found, an appropriate error message will be placed in the order errors log.

When receiving order from VisionWeb, in some cases the order was being assigned to the incorrect job station. this has been resolved.


When using the tray # to send files to the digital processors, when the digital calculation is returned, the processor would not print a work ticket, this has been resolved.

AR Envelopes

When printing an XML AR Envelope, it was always printing to LPT1.  This has been changed to now use the "Envelope Device Name" from the Orders1 tab in System Settings.


The rxticket-tag-replacer program now properly handles single eye jobs