2- Configuring AcuServer Service
To properly configure the Acuserver Service you will need to edit the "Acuaccess" & also modify "AcuServer" Config file (a_srvcfg). Then you will be able to configure the AcuServer Service and start it.
How to Edit the AcuAccess File configuration
1) Browse to C:RxSite\AcuGT\bin\acuserve.exe and launch AcuServer
2) In the AcuServer click the Access Tab and click Open button, browse to C:\ect and select AcuAccess.
3) The Acu Access will populate like below, double click on the "same as client"
4) Then this windows will come up, enter the uses Omics and the password provided by the client for that very same account and click OK to save.
How to Configure the AcuServer Config file
1) Browse to c:\etc and open "a_srvcfg" with notepad
2) Under the "Default-User" statement you will need to add this command "SECURITY_METHOD LOGON", and save the file.
Configuring the AcuServer Service
1) To configure the AcuServer Service we need to browse to the interface located in C:\RxStite\AcuGT\bin (assuming it was installated in the root of "C:\" as per previous instruction)
2) Right click on "acuserve" and select "Run as administrator"
3) In the AcuServer" interface click on the "Services" tab and click "New"
4) This will open the windows to configure a "New" service within AcuServer.
-Port is 6523
-Configuration file is C:\etc\a_srcfg
The rest of the fields remains blanked out.
Click "Ok" and the service will be saved.
5) Below the service is represent by a red indicator circle, indicating that the service is not running.
You need to highlight the service and click "start"
Once started it will change the red indicator to a green indicator