1- Installing Acuserver
Before installating AcuServer, make sure the client has the Prerequisite List completed. The list is available by clicking here → Prerequisite
Once the client has purchased the ACUServer license, Omics Support will provide the "setup" files needed to client.
1) On the same Server/Computer that RxUniverse is installed, find the "setup.exe" located in the setup folder of the "acuserver" provided by Omics Support.
Right Click on it and choose "run as administrator"
The installation Wizard will launch, "Click Next"
2) Select " I accept the terms...."
3) Choose "Anyone who uses this Computer", Click "Next
4) Choose the default installation path, Usually in root location of your RxUniverse Path, In this example we will assume
that RxUniverse is located in "C:\RxUniverse", so we will create the installation in "C:\RxSite".
5) In the next screen "checkmark" the "AcuServer Distributed Data Server", and click "Next"
6) By default "Install License Activator" and "Launch License Activator" should be checked, if not check both and click "Next"
7) On the following screen click "Install"
8) The installation will start and will stop at the Activator Wizard. Enter the AcuServer license provided by Omics Support and click "Finish".
9) After the installation is completed you need to launch and configure the "AcuServer Service" click here for instructions → Configure Service