Non-Progressive Topography

Non-Progressive Topography

In addition to progressive lenses, there are other lens designs that can have a topography (or sag height) file associated with the front surface.  Semi-finished aspheric designs, including super-modular designs, can obtain better thickness results if a topography files is available to describe the front surface of the blank.  While many manufacturers do not make this data readily available for their aspheric designs, Rx-Universe can use this data if it is made available from the vendor.

There are two ways to use topgraphy data for non-progressive lenses (more correctly, these are rotationally-symetrical lenses).

On the lens style, if the topography file is associated with a specific lens design (as for super-modulars, for example), the topography chart number can be specified on the lens style (just as it is for a progressive):

For designs such as SV aspherics, however, one lens style code (POLSVA) can refer to many lenses from many different vendors.  In these cases, the topography of the blank will typically vary from vendor to vendor, making the use of one code for the lens design impractical.  For these cases, the topography chart number can be specified in the Lens Catalogue entry for the specific product (manufacturer, material, and design).  First, ensure that the lens design is set up as an aspheric:

Then, on the specific lens catalogue record, enter the topography chart corresponding to the specific product.  For example, to set the chart for KBCO, 167, Polarized SVA blanks to S3:

Whenever one of these semi-finished blanks is used on a job, the S3 topography chart will be used for thickness calculations.


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