Testing Routing Rules

Testing Routing Rules

The Routing Rule Tester screen explains why an order was routed to a particular printer.



Note, the “U/R” column is the “Set Unvalid remote order” flag and the “U/M” column is the “Set Manual order unvalid” flag.

For each rule set up in the Routing Rule Designer (Setting Up Routing Rules), the expected value of a condition will be displayed (e.g. Sphere >= +2.00), and the actual value for the order will be shown underneath (e.g. +1.50/+1.75).

If the condition is considered matched then the cell will be colored green. The overall matched rule (the first one with all conditions matched) will have the entire row colored green.

To view the expected values for conditions 7-10, click on the rule and check the Extended Conditions Section below

This screen can be accessed with the Test button in the Routing Rule Designer, or with the Explain Route button in the routing section of the Order Entry screen.


Note that if you launch the tester from Order Entry, you will not be able to change the selected order. If you launch the screen from the Routing Rule Designer screen, you can set the order by entering an order number, tray number, or purchase order number.

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