Workticket Lookup

Workticket Lookup

Workticket lookup page allows you to display Job data and display it to the screen, in the format specified by a LOHReport xml template.


Inside of Rx-Workstations will be display a navigation menu Workticket Lookup, this will have sub-menus displayed for each xml template inside your specified folder location.

Navigation Menu

Under any of these pages you can provide a order number, and the ticket will be displayed on screen with the requested jobs data in the specified ticket format.


A page exists inside the Rx-Xplore module that allows configuration for the Workticket lookup page. The configuration page takes in 3 parameters to setup your system:

  • Template Directory: This should point to the desired folder where you want to keep all XML templates. Rx-Workstations will display a page for all given XML format files in this folder.

  • LMS IP: The IP address of the server where RxUniverse is currently operating.

  • LMS PORT: The PORT where RxUniverse is currently operating (default: 33512)

Device Interface

Workticket lookup makes direct communication through the Device Interface program directly to RxUniverse. This requires us to configure a device to allow for this communication and ensure the Devices program is running when attempting to display a ticket.

  1. In RxUniverse navigate to DevicesDevice Interface Params

  2. Create a New Device

    1. Workstation: T1

    2. Device Port: 1

    3. Device Manufacturer: OMICS

    4. Device Type: OMA

    5. Force Trace Type: Force Ascii (required for displaying traces to the screen)

  3. Save the newly created device.

  4. Launch the Devices program, you should now see your newly configured device.


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