January 2023 : Rx-Suite Version 1.0.1


You need to update your Ruby version to 2.7 in order to use the 1.0.1 version of any Rx-Suite module.

New Features


Breakage Breakdown By Department/Shift/Position Dashboard Target

  • You can now create a dashboard component that shows the breakage count by a specified combination of department, position, and shift using this new dashboard target. Note that only the breakage count for the current day will be shown (no percentages).

Breakage Breakdown By Department Dashboard Target

  • With this new dashboard target, you can show information on the breakage count of a selected department. If you don’t select any department, the total breakages of all departments will be displayed.

Production Tracking Dashboard Target

  • This new dashboard target shows similar information to that of the Production Tracking Inquiry Function of VisionStar. You can display production information (count of jobs per hour) of the selected stations (can be multiple stations). You can select the number of days that you want your data to include (up to 40 days) and group them by day, week, or station.


  • Added information about the last ping to the module page

  • Modules are now sorted by name by default

  • Added ability to set customer and brand logo

  • Added ability to connect to multiple Rx-Universe accounts from the profile page

  • Apps the user doesn’t have permission to use are no longer shown in the app switcher dialog

  • Added a force_token[license] rake task for licensing modules at labs without an external internet connection

  • Current user information is now cached and is invalidated when the user is updated or the Rx-Hub restarts - this removes frequent network calls validating the user on request.

  • Added a button to manually invalidate user cache

  • Added separate external/internal connection information for modules. External connection information is used within the password reset email and the app switcher. Internal connection information is used by Rx-Hub when communicating between modules.

  • Added a button to reinstall an installed version

  • Changed the landing page to the list of Apps


  • A button has been added to the frame screen that allows automatically generating a UPC for a frame. This UPC is guaranteed to be unique within the system.

  • Added UPC generation settings to the settings screen.

  • Added new functionality that allows the transfer of frames. Each transfer document is composed of an origin, a destination, and a collection of frames.

    • Warehouses can now create incoming and outgoing transfers.

    • Transfer document frame collections can be copied from an existing Purchase Order document.

    • A transfer document can be copied over to one (or many) other locations.

    • Transfer documents may be exported in CVS or PDF formats.

  • User information of who created/released/closed purchase orders and vendor returns is now available on the purchase order/vendor return page.

  • Added an optional flag to process frame transactions in the background, handled by the BACKGROUND_TRANSACTIONS environment variable

  • Added a new permission (SKUs::Mass Update) that controls access to the Mass Update features

    • If a user has permission, they can now modify previously restricted values on the SKU form (Name/Manufacturer/Gender/Collection/Brand/Model/Class)

    • Users can now clear the above fields in Item Maintenance

    • Added an Items Count column to Item Maintenance table

    • Added a Reset button to the Item Maintenance form

    • Item Maintenance will now be faster for large number of SKUs

    • Attempting to use Item Maintenance to assign SKUs from one Frame object to another will now return a warning.

  • Changed the landing page to the list of SKUs

  • Purchase orders are now generated in the background

  • Improved the response times of transaction methods (all methods that Rx-Universe uses when communicating with Rx-inventory to adjust stock amounts).

  • Improved performance during Frame Pick.

  • Added fields for Total Cost Open, Total Cost Received, and Total Cost of purchase order on the PO page.


Constant Value Column

  • You can now add a "Constant Value" column when creating a report in Report Designer.

  • You can rename the column and assign a constant or static value to it.

  • You can add multiple "Constant Value" columns in a report.

Column Mapping

  • This new feature allows you to map the values of a column based on a set of rules when running a report.

  • You can manage (view, create, edit, delete) the “Column Mapping” records on the new Column Mapping page and access them when creating a report in Report Designer.

Header/Footer Notes on PDF exports

  • We added an option for you to add a header and/or footer comments. This could be used on a lens usage report, for example, to allow the user designing the report to include a comment line "Quantities are in lenses, not pairs" or something similar.

  • The comments have no character limit restrictions and will only show during PrintPreview mode and in the actual PDF file.

  • The header comment is printed on the first page of the PDF file, while the footer comment is printed on the last page of the file.

Nightly Frame Standard Report

For converted VisionStar customers:

  • We added a new standard report that returns the frame inventory information of a warehouse and generates a file that you can use for AcuityLogic and SVSVision.com. It is intended to be a Scheduled Report that produces a CSV file at day end (or anytime you want to schedule it).

  • The report will only include the “Whole” inventory type.


  • Added option to hide personalization options on order form

  • Default shipping method on order now uses customer’s shipping preferences from rxuniverse

  • When tabbing through fields on the order entry form, optional fields are now filled with 0

  • Added lab maintenance options

  • Added comments field to orders

  • Added a checkbox to show all customer orders in the order table

  • Allow user to set default frame status

  • Added a copy button to orders

  • Highlight unvalid orders in the orders table

  • Added hints to prism fields

  • Added “Last 4” to the order summary table

  • Track who created an order

  • Added a view to show customer/users

Rx-Universe API

New Endpoints

  • We added new endpoints to expand your capability to interact with Rx-Universe. These include endpoints to get order details, lens information, breakages, job tracking, customer details, and job tracking. We also added endpoints that allow you to create an order through the API, update lens breakage to an order, scan station, pick and count lenses, and many more. To see the complete list of our endpoints. Read more



We are deprecating Rx-Terminal. It is replaced by the Rx-Workstations module. Please contact our support team if you want to get more information about this change.


  • You can now retrieve an order from RxUniverse and generate the appropriate LOHReport workticket and display this on screen.

  • You can conveniently view the workticket information of an order in a browser on most devices!

  • You can manage the folder directory of the Workticket templates, LMS IP Address, and LMS Port you want to use via our Rx-Xplore module. Read more


Lens Pick

  • You can now perform the Lens Pick process for orders in Rx-Universe on this page.

  • It will be as easy as entering the order number and scanning (or typing) the OPC of the lens.

  • The feature will validate if the lens was previously picked or that the right OPC was selected/entered. Read more

Workstation Scanner

  • You can set the station for a job by scanning (or entering) it on a selected job station!

  • Rx-Universe will be automatically updated with the station stage.

  • It will display the list of the previous scans for the session with date, time, and status information.

  • We also added an option for multi-station scanning or single-station scanning for more convenience!

Breakage Entry

  • You can now submit a breakage entry for a lens on a job in RxUniverse through our Rx-Workstations!

  • You can configure the level of information that you want to track via the sub-code options which are linked to your Rx-Universe configuration. Read more


New targets for Rx-Dashboards

  • We added Breakage Breakdown By Department/Shift/Position, Breakage Breakdown By Department, and Production Tracking as dashboard targets. Read more

Workticket Settings

  • You can now manage the folder directory of the Workticket templates, LMS IP Address, and LMS Port used on the Workticket Lookup function of Rx-Workstations.

Shippo Settings

Rx-Workstation Module

  • Our Rx-Workstation module is tightly integrated with Rx-Xplore and most of its settings are managed in the Rx-Xplore module. Read more

  • You can access our new module in the Rx-Xplore sidebar navigation menu.

Bug Fixes and Improvements


Changed the landing page and side menu options

  • Our new Dashboard landing page is now the “Slide Show” and re-categorized our navigation options to better reflect common user flows.

Pie chart display improvements

  • Both the count and percentages are now displayed in the data labels.

  • The display overlap between longer titles and legends was fixed.


  • Fixed a bug causing a crash during licensing when checking a module that’s not yet installed

  • Update button is not longer available if licensing does not allow updating

  • Fixed a crash when pinging certain modules (MES, Rx-Universe API, Router API)

  • Added Rx-Universeapi to default legacy license

  • Added Rx-site to default legacy license

  • Utilize license when determining the availability of the pre-release download

  • Compatibility improvements with Microsoft SQL Server

  • Fixed a problem where components would fail to sort if a name was nil

  • Only write to the database when pinging modules if the module has changed

  • Support fallback URL for oauth connections

  • Consolidate permissions syncing to a single database write (rather than 1 per permission)

  • Fixed an n+1 query when syncing permissions

  • Fixed a crash when syncing permissions if the Rx-Universe API was offline

  • Only refresh the oauth token if the current token expires

  • Fixed an issue where updating a module icon wouldn’t update it throughout rx-suite

  • Fixed an issue where delegating requests forRx-Universe API would fail to reach the module

  • Fixed an issue where if a stable version (eg. version 1.0.0) was in a pre-release state, it would still show up as an available update for customers without pre-releases enabled

  • Fixed Rx-Hub running out of database connections

  • Fixed the App page allowing invalid data

  • Fixed resolution of windows computer names failing


  • Fixed a bug where the date last used field wasn’t set when an SKU was used

  • Fixed a bug where a table displays page 0 of X in the page number instead of Page 1 of X.

  • Updated the columns needed for the AccuityLogic file

  • Added the UPC column on the frame information table in Frame Pick.

  • Fixed a bug during pick verification where focus wouldn’t return to the order number field after submitting

  • Renamed UPC to OPC and show OPC value in lens/frame pick for better usability and align the display of the lens pick page for both Rx-Inventory and Rx-Workstations

Rx-PDF Generator

  • Fixed the issue where the page crashes when users change the Height of a PDF template

  • Added input validation for height, width, and margins fields of a PDF template

  • Improved start-up time for all Rx-Suite modules

  • Fixed handling of HTTPS connection from Rx-Suite modules to Rx-Universe

  • AppSwitcher menu options are now arranged in alphabetical order

  • Converted Rx-Suite modules to support Ruby 2.7


Changed the landing page and added navigation filters on the Reports List page

  • Our new Report landing page is now the “Report List - All Reports” page.

  • You can now filter your reports by Standard, Customer, or All report types for easier navigation.

  • You can filter reports on the Reports List table by Module Source or Report Target using a drop-down filter

Fixed incorrect conversion of “Date” fields to Datetime with added UTC offset

  • Previously, Date fields were being translated to DateTime and are then offset to UTC when saved to the database. The fix ensures that the Date columns stay as “date” only columns when saved to the database.

Fixed export issue when using "All Time" date range as date type runtime column option

  • You can now export reports with an “All Time” date column to PDF or CSV correctly.

Fixed error when running a report without a Date/DateTime runtime column option


  • Date ordered date defaults to current date

  • Added missing descriptions to top-level fields on order entry form

  • Set frame information for frame only jobs

  • Error message is now displayed if frame is not found in rxuniverse

  • Sync shipping method when syncing with rxuniverse

  • Fetch frame information from rxunvierse using frame UPC

  • Fixed an where frame sku was not properly synced

  • Fixed an issue where frame information was not property synced

  • Fixed an issue where default values were overriding set values

  • Fixed an issue where customer shipping method was overriding values in a readonly form

  • Properly disable axis field if cyl is undefined

  • Fixed an issue where form was submitting on enter

  • Fixed an issue where orders wouldn’t show errors

  • Fixed formatting of date wanted when saving

  • Remove prism values when field becomes disabled

  • Fixed an issue where frame manufacturer was taking precedence over more unique fields

  • Fixed an issue where special characters were failing to resolve frame traces

  • Remove leading/trailing whitespace from rxuniverse validation messages

  • Fixed an issue where all customers were not available in the customer select dropdown

  • Fixed an issue where valid values for a prism axis were being rejected

  • Fixed an issue where errors would persist after submitting an order in continuous order entry mode

  • Fixed an issue where shipping method wouldn’t change when the customer was changed

  • Fixed an issue where cylinders of opposite signs was allowed

  • Fixed an issue where special characters in the address field were allowed

  • Fixed an issue where the hold status of an order wasn’t being saved

  • Fixed an issue where the date wanted of a copied order was being erased

  • Fixed an issue where incorrect validations were shown after copying an order

  • Fixed an issue where dates from the past were allowed in the date wanted field

  • Fixed an issue where the comments field wasn’t available on addon-only jobs

  • Fixed an issue where cloned orders lost their trace information

  • Show lens style description instead of code in quick code select

Rx-Universe API

  • Updated the working directory to the Rx-Universe directory since this configuration is required for some programs (for example Rx-Ticket)

  • Fixed issue where incorrect data/error details were returned by the endpoints when arguments are special characters


Track and report on of Number of days in-house and the Number of days since validated

  • Improve your operations by having better visibility of the production metrics.

  • We added these fields to our Orders XML file that we export from Rx-Universe and we added them to the Orders report that you can access in Rx-Reports!

  • Fixed an issue where Consolidated Corporate Stocks Transaction XML from Rx-Universe does not get consumed by Rx-Xplore

  • Renamed File Monitor Settings (previously Settings) for better functional alignment

All Modules

  • Improved start-up time for all Rx-Suite modules

  • Fixed handling of HTTPS connection from Rx-Suite modules to Rx-Universe

  • AppSwitcher menu options are now arranged in alphabetical order

  • Converted Rx-Suite modules to support Ruby 2.7