May 2023 : Rx-Suite Version 1.4.x

Release on hold


Rx-Universe 7.56.00 is required for some of the features available on this release.

New Features

New workstations for canceling jobs

  • You can now delete/cancel an Rx-Universe order from the Delete Order page in Rx-Workstations!

Breakage entry enhancements

  • You can now post breakages on orders with lab-supplied frames.

  • You can now post reverse breakage in Rx-Workstations.

Frame transfer reporting

  •  You can now create/design and run reports for your frame transfer transactions! This is a critical tool for customers who are using AccuityLogic (AL) for stock orders and want to have visibility, tracking, and better analytics on that aspect of their operation.

Frame transfer enhancements

  •  You can now configure your frame transfers to automatically print documents (frame sticker labels, pick tickets, invoices).

  • You can reprint the frame sticker labels of purchase orders (PO) and frame transfers (FT) (individual frames or for all frames in a PO/FT).

  • You can now set a default warehouse to use for AL stock order imports.

  • You can now see the frame transfer cancel date, and the reason, and updated the text displays for better readability.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Updated core RxSuite dependencies across all modules.

  • Reduced network traffic between all modules.

  • Rx-Site: We added a check if the order is a duplicate before submitting them to Rx-Universe.

  • Rx-Hub: Fixed an issue where modules could get stuck “updating” indefinitely.

  • Rx-Inventory: Fixed an issue where the create buttons on the vendor return and purchase order screens were inconsistent with the rest of the application.