February 2023 : Rx-Suite Version 1.1.x


Rx-Universe 7.53.00 is required for some of the features available on this release.

New Features

Dashboards can now be run in the background

  • Dashboard can now optionally be run in the background. This allows heavier dashboards to run while putting less load on the system.

Variable VCA Tag

  • You can now add a "Variable VCA Tag" column when creating a report using the Orders target in Report Designer.

  • This new feature will allow you to report on a value of a particular VCA tag used in an order, if applicable.

  • You can add multiple "Variable VCA Tag" columns but each column should be for a unique tag (you cannot use the same VCA tag multiple times in a report)

  • You can add sort priority, sort direction, and rename the column.

Processing AcuityLogic Stock Order as Frame Transfer

  • We can now process AcuityLogic Stock Orders by importing their Stock Order XML and processing then as Frame Transfers.

Generating XML files for closed/shipped AcuityLogic Stock Order

  • We now generate an XML file for closed/shipped AcuityLogic Stock Orders for the day.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where requests made from modules with the “delegate through hub” option checked would fail

  • Added a warning alert for users adding discontinued items in a PO. The font text of the PO line item that is discontinued will display as red in the PO line table.

  • Fixed an issue where the vendor’s account number is not showing when exporting purchase orders manufacturer = “All”.

  • Fixed the missing Help button for the Package Sizes field on the Vendor/Manufacturers page.

  • Fixed the incorrect link to the Adjust Quantities function on the SKU → Warehouse page.

  • We now allow filtering by customer name, customer number, and user name in the Customer Config table

  • The Quick Code form now uses lens style description instead of code

  • We are now using the database identifier of the frame instead of the UPC as the main identifier of the frame when creating an order that uses an inventory item in Rx-Inventory (Lab Supplied).

  • We now allow the processing of jobs with frames with no UPC when the frame status is “Lab Supplied”

  • Fixed an issue where the Orders List page was not displaying the correct jobs when changing the active customer.

  • Frame UPC is now imported from the Orders XML file that is generated daily from RX-Universe. It is now a reportable field in the Orders report target

Fixed issue on Purchase Order Create

  • The SQL-related error is no longer showing when creating a new Purchase Order

Fixed issue in Frame Transfer PDF Export

  • The PDF file permissions error is no longer showing when you export a frame transfer to PDF.

Added filter for invalid jobs on the Orders List page

  • You can now easily display the list of invalid jobs that you currently have using this filter in the Orders list page