Version 6.52.00

Device Interfaces

Options to have different cooling times for both Essilor digital jobs (when using Essilor blocks), and for glass jobs (since glass doesn’t need to cool near as long) have been added to the Blocker tab of the device setup:

Support for the LensMarkJobBuilder.exe program (from LaserOp), used many years ago before the LaserOp engravers were VC-compliant, has been removed.  This removes the fields for the LML and PARM files from the Digital Type setup, as well as the "LaserOp MATID" table (version 6.52.00).
Device types FSL and POL have been added as recognized device types to the VCA interface; this particularly affects Satisloh iFlex or AutoFlex server, where the polishers are identified as FSL devices (version 6.52.00).
A new label has been added to the VCA interface, _LREMARKS, which exports the lens remarks for the lens design(s) on an order (version 6.52.00).

Only send MINEDG for Essilor Uncuts with positive distance power; only send MINCTR otherwise (version 6.51.01).

Now sending ETYP=-1 for uncuts (version 6.51.01).

Add THNA and THKA for toric jobs (version 6.51.01).

When checking thickness for frame type, for hi-index plastic materials, it was first setting the thickness based on CR39 which is not correct.  This has been fixed (version 6.51.01).

3D graphics were not working for uncuts.  This has been corrected (version 6.51.01).

Modified Device Interface Parameters to correct an issue regarding one-eye barcodes.  The default was being set to 1 instead of 0 (version 6.51.02).

A memory access violation in the interface for uncuts has been corrected (version 6.51.02).


Sag data (topography charts) for traditional progressive or aspheric blanks is stored, in Rx-Universe, in 1.53 index.  When a lab converts their lens technical data to a different index, this can cause the lookup of the sag data to fail.  Starting in version 6.52.00, true curves are converted to 1.53 index when looking up the sag data, to avoid this problem.  Note that this is an internal change, which has no impact on the lab's data or lab operation (except that the lookup will now correctly find the sagitta height of the front curve).

Options to have different cooling times for both Essilor digital jobs (when using Essilor blocks), and for glass jobs (since glass doesn’t need to cool near as long) have been added to the Blocker tab of the device setup.     

System Settings

A new option has been added to System Settings, Surf2 tab, to print one-eye barcodes on the work ticket. The eye identifier at the FRONT of the barcode instead of at the end (version 6.51.01).

Order Entry

For remote orders (received electronically), Rx-Universe has the ability to route jobs to a different printer if the order contains comments.  A new option has been added to disable this feature for specific accounts.  A new checkbox can be found on the Customer screen:

When copying a job and changing the account number, if the original job is an uncut with no frame, and the default job type of the new account is different, the user is prompted to remove the trace, and it removes the crib size which is shouldn’t.  This has been corrected (version 6.51.01).

Thin client switch wasn't being temporarily reset resulting in "_Traceload" error when trying to display 3D on thin client session.  This has been corrected (version 6.51.02).


A new "Digital Surfacing By Vendor" report has been added to the report menu.  This allows easy reporting of summary, customer detail, or order detail of digital jobs for a specific digital vendor (version 6.52.00).

The Hot Job report has been modified to not include deleted orders. (version 6.51.01).

An option to automatically print the IOT verification ticket (created by the IOT calculator), at time of shipping, or at a specific job tracking station, or on demand.  Complete details on this feature can be found at IOT (version 6.52.00).


OMJTS.XFD   - Removed field:   STORE-MESSAGE
              Added new field: JS-IOT-PRINTER
(version 6.52.00)

OMGND.XFD – Added new field GND-ONE-EYE-FRONT-SW  (version 6.51.01)
