
MrOrange can communicate with Rx-Universe. It is important to understand that the current configuration setup of “MrOrange” may bring some limitations to some Labs.

As it stands the “MrOrange” Trace/blocker combo is the central point of communication to Rx-Universe. In other words, the “MrOrange” Edger is not capable of communication directly to RxUniverse, therefore jobs that have been traced or blocked on any other equipment other then the connected “MrOrange” Trace/blocker combo can not be edged on the “MrOrange” Edger. This also means that any Jobs traced and blocked by the “MrOrange” Tracer/Blocker combo cannot be edged on any other edger than the very same one that it is connected to.


Physical Setup

MrOrange can connect to Rx-Universe via RS-232 only, it is not capable of communicating via TCP/IP.

1- From the Tracer/Blocker unit you will need to run a Serial Cable (RS-232) to a computer running Rx-Universe Device sessions.

2- From the Edger to the Tracer/Blocker unit you need to have a RJ45 Crossover cable to connect between the Tracer/Blocker RJ45 Port to the Edger RJ45 Port. The port on the Edger is located under the top tray. 

3- To verify the communication between the Tracer/Blocker and Edger you will see a green checkmark on the top right corner Icon.

4- Next you need to connect the provided “MrOrange” bar code scanner to the Tracer/Blocker, there should be a second bar code scanner attached to the Edger.

5- Next step you will need to scan the proper barcodes to enable OMA Communication on the Tracer/Blocker. Note that you don’t need to scan the bar code on the Edger since it will not communicate directly to Rx-Universe.

  • Scan the Configuration by Default and the machine will reboot
  • Scan the Configuration VCA and the machine will reboot
  • Scan JOBPUB. The machine will not reboot on this barcode but a “beep” will indicate that the setting has been changed

6- You need to add the MrOrange to the Rx-Universe devices. Follow this link → how to add a device in Rx-Universe