Version 7.62.02

released 23 November 2023

Order Entry

Addon jobs can now be made remakes.

Fixed an issue where the Copy Job function incorrectly copied the number of frame part/side shield/misc item breakages for the order.

Work Tickets

  • XML work tickets

    • Added a new tag _REMAKE _REASON to return the reason for a remake.

Printer Routing Rules

Added new selectable values for “Addon Type =” and “Addon Type =/=” conditions

  • UV

  • harden

  • Drop Ball

  • Etching

  • All User-Defined Job Flow Labels


  • ViStar Production Statistics Report

    • Report now uses the correct date when considering pending completion orders

  • Orders Production Report - Breakage

    • On-Hold and Unvalid jobs are now included in the report

    • Fixed an issue where jobs with only a left lens breakage were omitted from the report

    • Reverse breakages now decrease the breakage count for the breakage they are reversing

Job Tracking

If a job station is set o send an email immediately and the Bill-To is a VSP account, the email is now sent to the Ship-To account.

Changes to not include “PSL” (print packing slip) job station entries in the WIP Total. Modified the Job Track Processor screen, the Dynamic Display screen and the Job Track Statistics report.

Corrected an issue with the Variance on the Job Track Processor screen and also an issue with the total Released in the footer of the Job Track Statistics report.

Digital Orders

To improve performance of BRS requests with a digital calculator, we have added a new path to the Digital Types setup, to optionally specify a separate folder for the BRS files to be placed.  If this new folder is left blank, the existing LDS folder will continue to be used as at present.  If the new BRS folder is populated, the BRS or LDS file will be placed into this new folder. 


If auto attaching a trace and doing calculations results in the order becoming unvalid, a Job Tracking record is created for station “ER” with the reason.