Version 7.62.03

to be released ….

Customer Service

Added the job station id, description and date/time to the Rx -info tab.

Order Entry

F12/Optional Parameters - a new field, “Min Thick at Crib Diam”, has been added - this field can be either blank, which means the job will use the system settings for MINTHKCD, or the lab can specify a specific value for this order only. This allows the lab to have a system-wide setting (say 0.3mm or 0.5mm), but for a specific job, set it to 0 (or a smaller value) to allow a job to be processed, perhaps with a knife edge, but is necessary in order to be able to process the job. The valid values for this field are blank, or a value between 0.0 and 4.0mm.

Blank Selection

Added a new Blank Selection Option to the Lens Style management screen. Choosing Blank Selection Option #9 will use 1.25 for exact front curve matches, 2.00 for Approx matches, and 3.50 for Marginal matches.

Printer Routing Rules

Fixed an issue where conditions that looked at lens data were not correctly handling jobs with no lens information (i.e. Addon Jobs)


Job Tracking

The Job tracker was updating the order job station date/time fields with the current date and time instead of the job station history record date/time.

A new Job Station Identifier has been added. It is “Frame on order”. It is used to identify an order that is waiting for a frame to come in from the manufacturer.


When starting a second TCP device session, sometimes the devices don’t load and the screen is empty. This has been resolved.

API Endpoints

  • POST / lenses/ pick - fix an issue that was causing double transaction to be posted with frame/ frame part inventory.

  • GET /orders/shipinfo - added the order tracking number and packing slip date to the returned information.

  • POST /orders/ waitingForFrame - this function will return a list of orders waiting for a particular frame. You can send multiple frame UPCs at once.

Automatic E-Mails

At day-end, there is a process that can send e-mails to customers for orders based on their current job station. If the order was for a VSP account, no e-mails were being sent to the requesting (Ship-to) customer.

Eyefinity Interface

The order file downloaded from Eyefinity as well as the status file uploaded to Eyefinity will now be backed up to /omicstx/eyefinity/archive for five days.

Addon browse window

Some times the browse screen for the addon codes does not display all the codes, or they appear out of sequence. This has been resolved.