Version 7.62.01

released 23 November 2023

Customer Service

When the Job status filter is set to “Unvalid Jobs”, a new tab appears at the bottom of the screen to display the “Job calculation errors”.

From the “Errors” tab, the user can send the job to another job station by selecting from the available stations and pressing the “Apply” button.

  • Note that the only job stations that appear in the drop down list are those set to “Allow non-vetified jobs” and are not a “Completion” station type and that do not require an “Operator”

Work Tickets

  • XML work tickets

    • Added new tags _LDDRSPH, _LDDRCYL and _LDDRAX which return compensated values in the distance if set, otherwise returns the Rx values, used for the work ticket.

    • The _LENSQOH field reported a value for the left eye even when no left eye is present on the order.

    • Added a new tag _SVAL2 that gives the same as the SVAL label with ).1mm added to the values

Remote Processor

  • When you have the following settings, “Automatic tray numbering” set to “N”(ROE tab), “Tray Optional for Rx Jobs” is checked (general tab), “Lens Inventory Updated” set to “Lens Pick” (Inventory tab)

    • If an order passes through the remote processor and is set to “Valid”, there are no allocation inventory transactions created. This has been corrected.

Printer Routing Rules

Added two new conditions, “Is Remake” and “Is Not Remake” that check if the order is a remake of another order.
