Setting Up The Job Tracker Icon
We recommend running the Job Tracker on the server and the following information is based on that.
If you do a “copy and paste” of your Rx-Universe icon to create your new Job Tracker icon, make sure that Rx-Universe is not running. We have encountered issues at certain times when Rx-Universe was running; close all Rx-Universe processes before doing a “copy and paste” of the icon.
Example of the icon properties:
The “Target” line:
“C:\RxUniverse\Run8\wrun32.exe -w -c omics.cfg -y xmlif.dll -y omics6 omxmain JT”
The “Start in” line:
Please noticed the “Work Station” ID: JT at the end of the “Target” line; this is the same ID we have created in the Workstation setup for the Job Tracker in the "Setting Up The Job Tracker Workstation" section.