Setting Up The Job Tracker Icon

Setting Up The Job Tracker Icon

We recommend running the Job Tracker on the server and the following information is based on that.

If you do a “copy and paste” of your Rx-Universe icon to create your new Job Tracker icon, make sure that Rx-Universe is not running.  We have encountered issues at certain times when Rx-Universe was running; close all Rx-Universe processes before doing a “copy and paste” of the icon.


Example of the icon properties:



The “Target” line:

“C:\RxUniverse\Run8\wrun32.exe -w -c omics.cfg -y xmlif.dll -y omics6 omxmain JT


The “Start in” line:



Please noticed the “Work Station” ID: JT at the end of the “Target” line; this is the same ID we have created in the Workstation setup for the Job Tracker in the "Setting Up The Job Tracker Workstation" section.