Installing Thick Client (Device client)

Installing Thick Client (Device client)

With Windows Explorer, browse to your server where you shared the "Rx-Universe" folder,  then go into the “RxUniverse\Install\Devices” folder. (ie:\\servername\rxuniverse\install\devices\setup.exe)

1) Right click on the “setup.exe” program and click “Run as Administrator”.

2) If you see this message, click on the “Install” button:

NOTE: Make sure the path you edit the path to "C:\RxUniverseThick". This will make support easier as it will clearly indicate what kind of installation is on this particular computer.

3) Once the installation process is completed, just click on the "Finish" button

Note: The InstallShield will create an "RS-232" (Com Port) Device interface icon; if you need to connect "TCP/IP" you
will need to change the WS number in the properties of the icon.

The installation process will create a file called “OMFILES.DAT” located in C:\RxUniverseThick folder. If you open
this file with "NotePad" you will notice that the first line contains \\RxUniverseNetwork\RxUniverse\data\. This is a generic input
you need to change this to \\servername(or IP)\\RxUniverse\data\