Shipping Methods and Carrier Codes

Shipping Methods and Carrier Codes

The shipping methods used on customers and orders are set up under the “Shipping” menu, “Shipping Method Codes”.

The shipping method itself can be a code with a description, which will print on specific documents, and do nothing more. For example, a shipping code indicating an order will be delivered by the lab driver, might look something like:

It can also be used to specify specific carriers and/or service levels, for example if using an interface to UPS WorldShip or Shippo.com.

In this case, appropriate carrier codes for the shipper need to be set up. This can be accessed from the main shipping method window, using the “1” key at the top of the screen:

Shippo.com service levels, for example, are all lower case, an example of a shippo carrier code and level would be:

Note that the “Carrier” field is a combo box - not just a drop-down. While there are drop-down options for DHL, Fedex, and UPS, you can also type anything into this field. This allows entry of all lower-case entries, necessary for the different shipping carriers for Shippo.com.

On the shipping method screen, if the shipping method has “shippo” selected, all lower-case carrier codes show as options; the desired shipping level can be selected on the shipping method screen:

When an order using shipping method “NDA”, and is shipped using the Shippo.com interface in Rx-Suite (see Shippo Integration), the specified carrier code and service level will be used to ship that particular order.

The label printer option is currently used only by the API endpoint which updates an order with the tracking number and optionally a shipping label.

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