Order Purging (RXUPURGE_ADHOC)

Order Purging (RXUPURGE_ADHOC)

The order purging can be run as a stand alone task using the Windows scheduler.

The following will need to be set in order for the program to process properly. in the “System settings” menu, go to the “Orders1” tab.

In the “Purging” frame, set it to purge “Adhoc”, also make sure that the “# Months to Purge Back” is set to your desired value.

In the Windows task scheduler, create a new task to purge the orders, set the frequency desired, then set the following:

  • program - “C:\RxUniverse\Run8\Wrun32.exe”, use the appropriate path for your RxUniverse system

  • Arguments - “-w -c omics.cfg -y omics6 rxupurge_adhoc”

  • Start in = “C:\RxUniverse”, use the appropriate path for your RxUniverse system


The order purging will now be carried out at the scheduled time.

You can verify that the task was carried out as follows. In the “Shipping” menu, go to the “Daily Events Time Stamps”. If the task ran, there will be entries stating when it started and finished.



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