Version 6.45.04

(Includes changes since 6.45.00)


Remote Orders

Change to allow PRVA to be IN, OUT, UP or DOWN in addition to being an angle (version 6.45.01).

Digital Surfacing

Modification to allow non-XML files to be returned for the Essilor DEO calculator (version 6.45.02).

Fixed issue with missing LDPATH labels for the INDO digital calculator (version 6.45.02).


Device Interface Parameters have been modified to now save the cooling times (version 6.45.02).

Added FBERIN and FBERUP required for the ES5 block-less edger (version 6.45.03).

Modification to not save the following labels in the VCA over-rides if they are sent in the raw file: DIA, FRNT, BACK and BCTHK (version 6.45.04).

Order Entry

Order Entry has been modified to automatically copy the right eye information to the left eye but only when the left field is blank (version 6.45.02). 

When modifying an order, if any fields under Lens Selection are changed, automatically check the “Select” switch in the Rx Information section to enable blank selection (version 6.45.02).

Now when scanning OPC codes in Order Entry, the Style, Material, Pretreatment and Color will be checked to ensure that they are active (version 6.45.02).

You are now able to enter OPC codes when modifying an order (version 6.45.02).