Order lens breakage (/breakages)

Order lens breakage (/breakages)

This endpoint allows an external system to POST lens breakages against an Rx-Universe Rx order.


order - Rx-Universe order number
breakage code - right- the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - right - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - left - the code for the left breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code -left - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - frame - the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - frame - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - frame part - the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - frame part - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - side shield - the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - side shield - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - misc1 - the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - misc1 - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

breakage code - misc2 - the code for the right breakage, up to 7 characters are allowed

employee code - misc2 - the 2 character code for the employee reporting the breakage

rtDept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

ltDept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

frDept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

fpDept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

ssDept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

m1Dept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

m2Dept - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the department is required and must exist in the department table

rtPosition - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

ltPosition - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

frPosition - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

fpPosition - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

ssPosition - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

m1Position - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

m2Position - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the position is required and must exist in the position table

rtShift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

ltShift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

frShift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

fpShift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

ssShift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

m1Shift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

m2Shift - if sub-codes are being used in Rx-Universe, the shift is optional, but if specified it must exist in the shift table.

reverse_breakage_flag - When set to “Y”, the endpoint will reverse the breakage specified by the entries above.



The response indicates the status of the breakage request.

If the breakage was done, “successful” is returned.

{ "order-number": "xxxxxxxx", "status": "00", "message": "Successful" }

If the submission cannot be processed, the response will indicate the reason why. Possible reasons for not processing are as follows:

status = message

  • 1 = order not found - the specified Rx Order does not exist

  • 2 = order deleted - the specified Rx order has been flagged for deletion

  • 3 = order unvalid - the specified Rx Order has not been validated

  • 4 = order already completed - the specified Rx order has already been completed

  • 5 = order entered is a stock order - the specified Rx order is a stock type order not an Rx order

  • 6 = order on hold - the specified Rx Order is On Hold

  • 10 = breakage requires sub-fields - the RxUniverse system requires the use of breakage sub-codes, breakages cannot be carried out with this function.

  • 11 = no breakage entered - no breakage codes have been jsupplied

  • 12 = Right employee with no right breakage - a right employee code is present with no right breakage code

  • 13 = Left employee with no left breakage - a left employee code is present with no left breakage code

  • 14 = a sub-code was entered but sub-codes are not active in Rx-Universe

  • 15 = the specified department code does not exist in Rx-Universe

  • 16 = the specified shift code does not exist in Rx-Universe

  • 17 = the specified position code does not exist in Rx-Universe

  • 18 = department code is required when using sub-codes

  • 19 = position is required when using sub-codes

  • 20 = no lens right eye - the specified Rx order has no right lens to break

  • 21 = no lens left eye - the specified Rx order has no left lens to break

  • 22 = invalid breakage code right eye - the breakage code for the right eye does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 23 = invalid breakage code left eye - the breakage code for the left eye does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 24 = invalid breakage code both eyes - the breakage codes for both eyes do not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 25 = invalid employee code right eye - the employee code for the right eye is required

  • 26 = invalid employee code left eye - the breakage code for the left eye is required

  • 27 = invalid employee code both eyes - the breakage codes for both eyes are required

  • 28 = No breakage to reverse - there are no breakages reported on the order

  • 29 = Invalid reverse breakage flag - reverse breakage flag not sent as Y or N

  • 30 = Frame employee with no frame breakage - a frame employee code is present with no frame breakage code

  • 31 = Frame part employee with no frame part breakage - a frame part employee code is present with no frame part breakage code

  • 32 = Side shield employee with no side shield breakage - a side shield employee code is present with no side shield breakage code

  • 33 = Misc1 employee with no misc1 breakage - a misc1 employee code is present with no misc1 breakage code

  • 34 = Misc2 employee with no misc2 breakage - a misc2 employee code is present with no misc2 breakage code

  • 35 = invalid employee code for frame - the employee code for the frame is required

  • 36 = invalid employee code for frame part - the employee code for the frame part is required

  • 37 = invalid employee code for side shield - the employee code for the side shield is required

  • 38 = invalid employee code for misc1 - the employee code for the misc1 is required

  • 39 = invalid employee code for misc2 - the employee code for the misc2 is required

  • 40 = invalid breakage code for frame - the breakage code for the frame does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 41 = invalid breakage code for frame part - the breakage code for the frame part does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 42 = invalid breakage code for side shield - the breakage code for the side shield does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 43 = invalid breakage code for misc1 - the breakage code for the misc1 does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 44 = invalid breakage code for misc2 - the breakage code for the misc2 does not appear in the breakage reason database

  • 45 = no frame to break - the specified Rx order has no frame to break

  • 46 = no frame part to break - the specified Rx order has no frame part to break

  • 47 = no side shield to break - the specified Rx order has no side shield to break

  • 48 = no misc1 to break - the specified Rx order has no misc1 to break

  • 49 = no misc2 to break - the specified Rx order has no misc2 to break

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