Version 6.44.07

(Includes changes since 6.44.00)


Fixed issue where NPD was no longer being sent to the devices (version 6.44.01).

The re-use database wasn't being correctly updated, and correct block records were not being read.  This has been corrected (version 6.44.04).

Modified device interface to use Zeiss digital with Schneider equipment (version 6.44.05).

The device interface has been changed to send GAX as a decimal value, not an integer.  If LAPAX is received, it will be saved and returned to devices when required (version 6.44.06).


The Stock Costing Report was modified to use the standard cost (vendor cost 1) instead of the average cost when determining the value of excess stock (version 6.44.02).


Order Entry

The PCL and PCI work tickets have been changed, for uncuts without frame, to print the User ELLH (version 6.44.04). 

Order entry has Increased the allowable limit of the sphere to +/- 49.99 D (version 6.44.04).

When auto-attaching a trace to an order, if a CCIRCUM value exists, it will be removed since it resizes the new trace (version 6.44.07).