Version 6.43.02

(Includes changes since 6.43.00)

Digital Interfaces

If Essilor sends ? for ENGMASK values, ignore those in the PROC file, because sending ENGMASK=?R;?L to the engraver raises an error (version 6.43.01).

The resolution of the HMF files produced by the old non-VCA Epson-Seiko program is supposed to be 1.0mm.  The resolution of the files being produced is 0.500, which causes a problem on some Orbit equipment (resolution is too fine for that file format).  This has been corrected (version 6.43.02).  


The VCA Label Table Settings browse window has been modified to correct a display issue for text field entries (version 6.43.01).

When browsing the lens styles and materials, the selected code was not being displayed.  This has been corrected (version 6.43.02).


The value of excess stock was not being calculated correctly for right/left items in the Stock Costing Report.  This has been corrected (version 6.43.02).