Version 6.42.12

(Includes changes since 6.42.00)

Digital Interfaces

A change was made to not send CRIB/ELLH in the LDS file to Crossbows, but it actually suppressed CRIB/ELLH in all device packets for Crossbows.  This has been corrected (version 6.42.01).

When OPCs are returned in an LMS file that are not active, the message on the work ticket should show the OPC of the product that is not active.  It did this for the right eye but not for the left eye.  This has been corrected (version 6.42.02).

For Essilor Digital, the block returned for full offering lenses was not being printed on the work ticket.  This has been corrected (version 6.42.03).

For INDO Digital jobs, a modified PD may be sent back in the LMS file.  This PD was not being used for the CAD2000 blocker since version 6.41.00 (version 6.42.03).  

A change was made to not allow the value of the FED label to be smaller than the A (version 6.42.04).

Changed the formatting of LDADD to be the same as ADD as well as use the "Add with + and leading zero" checkbox (version 6.42.05).

Increased the incoming file size from 150,000 bytes to 500,000 bytes for a DEO file with SDF and DZY data in it (version 6.42.06).

Expanded the size of the SDF file from 1000 bytes to 5000 bytes to handle the DXZ lines (version 6.42.06).

A change was made to include TRCFMT=0 in the LDS file when calculating an uncut for Essilor (version 6.42.08).

The NWD label was changed to be chiral and the CLDEYE label was changed to be non-chiral.  Changes were made according to the VCA standard (version 6.42.09).

A change was made to send MINEDG for Essilor Uncuts; this is required by VCApp in Dallas (version 6.42.09).

Essilor has moved from the _LP user-defined label for progression length to the VCA standard CORRLEN label for corridor length.  CORRLEN is now supported and the "optional" tabs in the lens style setup, and the F12 order entry screen, have been updated accordingly (version 6.42.10).

Essilor has moved from the _DE user-defined label for dominant eye to the VCA standard CLDEYE label.  CLDEYE is now supported as a non-chiral field and the "optional" tabs in the lens style setup, and the F12 order entry screen, have been updated accordingly (version 6.42.10).

When receiving SURFMT data from Rodenstock, when creating the SDF file, need to add the REQ=SDF and JOB= lines at the beginning of the file (version 6.42.12).

Device Interfaces

In the ART/Nucleo re-use block table, the Job ID is now available as a search key.  The search field has been expanded from 4 characters to 24 characters.  On the detail screen for each block, the date and time of the most recent upload from the blocker, generator, and de-blocker are shown, and the screen has been re-organized to better display the block information (version 6.42.10).

Job Tracking

Under certain circumstances, when a work ticket was printed, the job history was not being updated (version 6.42.02).

Reversed change to job history as it was causing the job tracker to not process entries (version 6.42.07).

Remote Orders

If a remote (electronic) file uses _TRACE to specify a trace, and then sends FTYP and/or ETYP after _TRACE in the raw file, the trace was not being corrected attached to the order.  If the FTYP or ETYP was sent before the _TRACE record, the FTYP or ETYP setting (which can affect thickness) was being lost.  These problems have been corrected (version 6.42.03).