Option to not update order with job tracking location

Some job tracking scans are informational, so they are useful to see that certain functions were performed on a job, but do not correspond with physical locations. For example, when printing a work ticket to printer 1, the job is “scanned” to station P1 to indicate it was printed, but the job might physically be in the surfacing department.

An option exists to allow a job tracking station to be marked to NOT update the physical location on an order, but still maintain the history that the order was scanned to a station. Thus, printing a work ticket would create a job tracking entry showing the job was printed (scanned to P1), but the job remains in the surfacing department. This way, the lab does not lose visibility to where the job is physically located.

This option is on the job station screen for each job station: (note that some stations, such as OE, OR, SH, and any completion station, cannot have this option selected, since orders must be physically present at these scan stations).


To illustrate how this works, consider the earlier example in two different scenarios.

First, we set up station P1 with the checkbox NOT checked:

An order is currently at station 002 (Lenses Received):

There are 20 jobs in station 002, and 18 jobs in station P1:

When the work ticket is printed for the job, the order is moved to station P1, the number of jobs at station 002 decreases by one, and the jobs at P1 increases by 1:


Now, we change the setting of station P1 to NOT update the location at order entry:

The order is at station 002, as before:

There are 20 jobs at station 002 and 19 jobs at station P1:

We print the work ticket to P1, and the job history for the order shows this:

The order remains at station 002, and the count of jobs at both 002 and P1 does NOT change in this case: