Rx-Workstations: Tray Assignment

Rx-Workstations: Tray Assignment


  • Install Rx-Universe 7.62.00 or higher

  • Install Rx-Xplore 1.10.0 or higher

  • Install Rx-Transfer 2.7.0 or higher

  • Install Rx-Hub 1.10.0 or higher


This workstation allows users with appropriate access/permissions to assign an active order to a tray in Rx-Universe.


Rx-Suite provides you with an exceptional level of control over user permissions. With our platform, you can easily grant users full or read-only access to specific features within the Workstations module. Moreover, we offer the flexibility to create custom roles with pre-defined permissions, allowing you to assign appropriate access rights to different users efficiently.

The relevant permissions for Order Delete functionality can be set up in Rx-Hub → Roles → (Specific Role) → Rx-Workstations.

  • In Rx-Hub, edit the role of the user you want to grant access to.

  • Grant the role “Use” permission for Tray Assignment in the Rx-Xplore permissions tab. Make sure you click on the “Update Role” button to save the settings. Learn more about setting up roles.

Rx-Hub - Roles: Tray Assignment permission


Required Setup and Configuration

Ensure that the Orders (Customer Service) system in Rx-Universe is completely set up. Learn more about setting up the Rx-Universe Order system.

Update Rx-Transfer (Rx-Universe API) Config file

You need to update the config file of your Rx-Transfer (API) install. This will prevent issues when assigning trays to unvalid orders.

  1. Navigate to the Rx-Transfer install directory. This is usually under C: Drive → Sites → API .

  2. Open the Config.txt file and add “MAX_FILES 1024”.

  3. Save the changes in your Config.txt


Rx-Transfer - Config.txt Update


Scan History Column Definitions

Column Name


Column Name


Last Scan #

The order identifier used during tray assignment. This can be an order number or purchase order number.

Last Scan Tray #

This shows the tray number that was scanned during the assignment.

If the scan is fails, the order is not assigned to the scanned tray number.

If the scan is successful, the order is assigned to teh scanned tray number.


The response given by RxUniverse through the API after the tray assignment.


The indicator if tray assignment was successful or not.

  • Green check icon denotes successful tray assignment


  • Red exclamation icon denotes unsuccesful tray assignment. Feedback on the failure reason is noted on the message column

  • Reassign button shows when assigned a new tray an order with existing tray assigment

Successful order scans

The total number of successful tray assignment performed. This count is only for the active session (not saved in the database).

Failed order scans

The total number of unsuccessful tray assignment performed in a session. This count is only for the active session (not saved in the database).

Total order scans

The total number of unsuccessful tray assignment performed in a session. This count is only for the active session.


Assigning Tray to an Order




The following modules/applications must be running for this feature to work:

  • Rx-Transfer (API service)

  • Rx-Xplore

  • Rx-Workstations

  • Rx-Hub

You need to have the appropriate user permissions to access this feature

To assign a tray to an active order, follow the following steps:

  1. From the Workstation dashboard, go to the side navigation menu on the left and select the Tray Assignment option ).


          This will direct you to the main Tray Assignment view with text fields for the order identifier and tray number entry.


  1. You can scan/enter the order number or purchase order number of the order you want to work on and then scan/enter the tray number.

If the order has tray number already, you will need to reassign the order by clicking on the Reassign button.

  1. Click the Submit button.

  1. The scan history table will reflect the result of the tray assignment. Appropriate status and messages should be reflected on the table.


  1. If the order is already assigned to a tray and you scan it for a new tray assignment, the new assignment will fail, an “Order already has a tray“ error message, and a Reassign button on the status column.


  1. If you decide to complete the reassignment, you will need to click on the Reassign button.

  • If the reassignment is successful, the scan entry will be changed to indicate a successful scan and the Reassign button will be disabled.


  • If the reassignment fails, the message will show the failure reason on the resubmission, the status remains failed and the Reassign button will be disabled. You need to perform another assignment entry with the correct details.


Additional Information


  • Using the Enter key will only submit the tray assignment if both the tray number and order identifier have values

  • Using the Tab key will move the cursor to the next field. The tab sequence is order identifier field > tray number > Submit button (if enabled)

  • The page should auto-focus on the order identifier field when you first navigate to the page or when you submit the order

  • Unvalid jobs can be assigned to a tray

  • The scanner function supports Code 39 barcode format

  • Below are the common errors from Rx-Universe. You can review the business rules and other limitations of the order entry system if you need further details

Rx-Universe Errors based on Priority Level


Rx-Universe Errors based on Priority Level


  1. "Order not found"

No order can be found for the entered order identifier in Rx-Universe

  1. "You must use an order number or PO Number for orderIdentifier"

The entered order identifier does not follow the PO or order number format.

  1. "Cannot assign a completed order to a tray" (customer is using split order file and the job has been archived)

The order is already completed and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "trayNumber only accepts numbers"

Tray Number is numeric and has 5 character limit.

  1. "trayNumber supports up to 5 digits"

Tray Number is numeric and has 5 character limit.

  1. "Cannot assign a deleted order to a tray"

The order is already deleted and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Cannot assign a completed order to a tray" (customer is using a single order file or the order is pending completion)

The order is already completed and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Cannot assign an on-hold order to a tray"

The order is on hold and cannot be assigned to a tray.

  1. "Tray is already assigned to order 123456"

The tray is already assigned to another order. 

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