Version 6.47.00

Released 3 February 2016

Device Interfaces

In the VCA interface, when a label is received with only one value, that value can apply to both lenses (chirality can be optional).  However, the right-eye value should only be copied to the left-eye value if there is a left eye present on the job (version 6.46.02).

The "Send actual crib diameter instead of amount to crib" checkbox has been moved from the "Generator" tab to the "Other" tab in device setup (version 6.47.00).

When using the re-use option for Nucleo or ART blocks, a problem where a blockpiece previously associated with an order might not be disassociated when a new blockpiece is used, has been corrected (version 6.47.00).

Thickness Controls

Separate thickness controls have been added for uncuts as compared to jobs with frame measurements.  These allow a lab to have different thickness rules for jobs without frame measurements, and those with.  Complete details on the thickness control fields can be found on the Default Thicknesses screen (version 6.47.00).

Order Entry

3D and 2D displays can now be done for toric uncuts without frame (version 6.47.00).

A change has been made to not allow order notes to be created without an order # (trying to do so will raise an error); similarly, an error message will be raised if the user tries to create order account notes if the account # is blank (version 6.47.00).

A flag has been added to the Order Entry screen, allowing the user to "force" specific blanks to be used, over-riding warnings about size of blank, curve-out, etc (version 6.47.00).


Changes made to the "Special Numbers" screen are now logged in the System Parameter Change Log (version 6.47.00).