List all Style Groups
GET /api/v2/pricing/style_groups
This endpoint is used to retrieve information on all material groups registered in Rx-Universe.
A limit. If provided only this many records will be returned. Please note that the default value of 10 listed in swagger is the default value set for the Swagger UI only - calling the endpoint without a limit from your system will return all records, not 10.
An offset. This is intended for use with the limit to retrieve records in batches.
"limit": 10, "offset": 0
returns the first 10 records;"limit": 10, "offset": 10
retrieves records 11-20; etc.
A JSON object representing the requested style groups
The total count of style groups that match the query, ignoring provided limit and offset
An array of objects representing the requested style groups
Property | Description |
code | string The unique code identifying the style group |
desc | string The text description for the style group |
lensStyles | array Returns the lens styles that are part of the group |
lensStyle/code | string The unique code identifying the lens style |
lensStyle/desc | string The text description for the lens style |