Complete an Order

Complete an Order

POST /api/v2/orders/{orderIdentifier}/complete

This endpoint is used to set the status of an order to complete. The Job Tracker must be running.


  • An order identifier, which can be the order number, tray number, or purchase order number

    • This order can be retrieved using 72544, 337178, or Example

    • Tray numbers can only be used to look up active orders

    • If lookup is done by po number then you must be using unique values in this field


On a successful request the order will be flagged for completion, an HTTP 201 code will be returned with a success message. The order will not actually be completed until the Job Tracker processes it,

{ "orderNumber": "33719", "message": "Successful" }


  • If the order number does not exist in Rx-Universe an HTTP 404 code will be returned with an error

    { "error": "Could not complete order", "details": [ "Error Code: 01", "Error Message: Order not found" ]
  • If the order is found but is flagged for deletion an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error

    { "error": "Could not complete order", "details": [ "Error Code: 02", "Error Message: Order deleted" ]
  • If the order is found but is unvalid an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error

  • If the order is found but is already complete an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error

  • If the order is found but is on hold an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error

  • If the order is found but there is a job tracker flow verification error an HTTP 400 code will be returned with an error (there are a wide variety of possible error messages based on the job flows that may be required)

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