RxUniverse Idle Session Termination

RxUniverse Idle Session Termination

Should a client wish to terminate an RxUniverse session due to inactivity, a batch file can be created to end the session, and a Scheduled Task can be created to run the batch file after the computer goes into a locked screen state.

Creating a Batch File to end an RxUniverse thin client session

In Notepad++ create a BAT file to end a client session. The example below is entitled RXU.bat


Creating a Scheduled Task to end a session after it goes into a locked screen state

Search Windows for Task Scheduler. Once launched, choose Create Task on right side of screen



On the General tab, provide the Task with a Name and Description. Verify that the radio button for “Run whether user is logged in or not” is selected, and that the following boxes are checked:

“Do not store password. The task will only have access to local computer resources.”

“Run with highest privileges”.

Click OK.



Move to the Triggers tab and click New. Verify that the “Begin the task:” is set to On workstation lock, and that at the bottom of the page the “Enabled” box is checked. Click OK.



Move to the Actions tab and click New. Verify that the “Action:” is set to Start a program, and then use the Browse button to navigate to where you put your RXU.bat file (The example below shows it placed in the Documents folder). Click OK.




Move to the Conditions tab. Make sure the following are checked:

“Start the task only if the computer is on AC power”

“Stop if the computer switches to battery power”



Move to the Settings tab. Verify that the following boxes are checked:

“Allow task to be run on demand”

“Stop task if it runs longer than” and choose 5 minute from pulldown”

“If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop”

Click OK.



That should complete your configurations. Take a bow and wave to the crowd!