Version 7.60.01

released 19 September 2023

XML Exports

When a VCA tag exists with different values for a single order (for example, if a tag is set with a value on the lens style used on an order, and also on an addon used in the order), it is now exported only once, based on the same order of precedence as used in a device interface:

  • lens style

  • trace

  • account/customer

  • addons

  • shipping method

  • order

Eyefinity Interface

Mirror coatings (indicated using tag oront[3] in the Lipteam Order Format) can now be translated in the Eyefinity Translation table, allowing blank substitutions to be used to automatically select the correct semi-finished blanks with mirror coating already on them.

An option has been added to use VisionStar encryption when retrieving Eyefinity files; this allows Rx-Universe to process jobs from a VisionStar Eyefinity folder for ease of migrating from VisionStar to Rx-Universe.

Packing Slips

When printing open packing slips, jobs were not being moved to station “PSL”. This has been corrected.

Order Entry

When printing a work ticket from the customer service grid, if the order had previously been routed to “NULL”, it would not print even though manually requested to. This has been corrected (the ticket will now print to the device specified as the default on the Work Ticket screen in System Settings).

Digital Surfacing

If the digital surface requests the PTOK label, the program was always sending PTOK=0. This has been changed to send PTOK=1 for digital progressive lenses (with no Rx-Prism) and if the order has Ex-Prism, then the “Do thinning even if Rx-Prism” flag is checked, then PTOK=1 will be sent.