Version 7.60.00

released 19 September 2023

Order Entry

Updated the Error 302 to indicate the use of “99xxx” for tray number is not allowed.

Viewing of Lens style will now load the screen filtered by Active Fields first.

Fixed an issue where Additional Documents, when set to “Print at OE if digital” or “Print at OE if digital or toric” did not work.

When using both crib groups (for fixed AR rings, for example), and also using dynamic blocking ring selecting, the blocking ring was previously selected before the crib was calculated with the crib group. This has been reversed; the blocking ring is now selected after the crib group rules are applied.

Fixed an issue where the assigned bin from an order is being copied to the copied/remaked order causing the bin to be assigned on both orders.

When a lab supplies frames for VSP, they are paid a percentage of the wholesale price of the frame. This wholesale price is sent in the Eyefinity payload file, and the Eyefinity screen has a field for the percentage that the lab is paid. There was an issue with this and it has been corrected.

Blank Selection

Fixed an issue where the addons in the primary section of blank selection substitution were not being taken into consideration.

API Endpoints

  • POST / orders/add - the endpoint has been enhanced to allow a frame tracing file to be received along with the order.


Fix the bug where the “Use SFTP” is not being cleared when the order method is changed from FTP.

XML Exports

Fixed an issue where Number Days Late may have incorrect information.


Improved logging during JSON communication


Fixed an issue whereas the Pantoscopic tilt angle is being saved even outside of accepted ranged.

Work Tickets

Added new tags:

_VSSTATUS - VisionStar Lens Status (DRESS or IND)
_ORIGIN to show origin of job (only if populated by the originating source)
Change NPD to not return IPD for work ticket for SV or progressives without variable NPD active
_FREEFORM and _DIGITAL which return the text FREEFORM or DIGITAL (respectively) if the order is a digital style

Purchase Order

Added a checkbox in the System settings - inventory tab, an option to have separate lines for left and right lens when creating Purchase Order.

Packing Slips

A new packing slip format has been added, “PAK-STANDARDv4”. This format include the order received date and the order completion date.


Eyefinity tints can be indicated by orteo=MN or MP, plus one of EITHER ortc=colour or ortc=other and ortnt=colour description. Changed the interface to look for the translation for MN/MP + colour code if ortc is used (not =”other”) and to use the addon for MN/MP by itself, and then populate the addon code on the order with the contents of ortnt. This requires the addon code used for orteo to be set up to allow modifications on OE screen.

We were previously using the ship-to name and address as given in the Eyefinity payload; changed to now get the name/address from the account associated with the Efan number.

When Eyefinity indicates a balance lens (using the orbal tag), we now automatically copy the Rx from the “good” eye to the balance eye.