Version 6.34.00

Released 11 Dec 2013

Digital Surfacing

Some LDS calculators will calculate a center thickness much thinner than others, because of the design of the back surface.  In certain circumstances, Rx-Universe could omit a blank from consideration because it appears to be too thin, but in fact might work because of the CT calculations of the LDS.  The check in Rx-Universe for blank center thickness has been relaxed to avoid this error (version 6.34.00).


On the lens catalogue, the curve of the polarized film was limited to 8.00D; this has been expanded to 9.99 (version 6.34.00).


Calculation of ELLH has been modified to ensure that ELLH can never be larger than the CRIB value, nor larger than the DIA of the blank (version 6.34.00).



Several new reports have been added, under the "Reports", "Production Management Reports".  These new reports are:

  • Job Summary Report
  • Late Jobs In Progress Report
  • Manufacturer Lens Usage Report
  • Hot Jobs Report
  • Special Jobs Report
  • Essilor Digital Report
  • Job Flow Violation Report

Device Interfaces

The VCA interface has been modified to correct a problem where the number of points sent to the INDO digital calculator could be changed if a previously received LMS file, also from INDO, contained TRCFMT records with a different number of points than that specified in the LDI file (version 6.33.05).

Special handling has been added for the non-standard label “_BRANCH”; this label will be treated as non-chiral, and is used for Vision-Ease digital (version 6.33.06).

Support for LDVEN, PHOTO labels has been added to the VCA interface (version 6.34.00).

If a value is blank for a text field, Rx-Universe would previously send a space in the interface.  This caused problems for some devices; if a text value is blank, Rx-Universe now sends nothing for the value (version 6.34.00).

On the device setup screen for a VCA device, a new checkbox has been added to suppress cribbing.  This replaces the older method of using a value of 0 in the “Cribbing Allowance” fields to suppress cribbing.  This also means that the cribbing allowance fields can be set to 0, which will cause the calculated cribbing values to be sent to the device, with no “extra” added at the device interface (version 6.34.00).


ART and Nucleo Blocker Interfaces

Enhanced support for the Nucleo and ART blockers from SatisLoh has been added, included setting blocking methods for each blocker type, system-wide, by material, by lens style, and by individual order.  When using either of these new blocking methods, Rx-Universe will select the correct ART or Nucleo block based on lab-specified rules, on the new Nucleo tab in System Parameters.The block selected will be printed on the work ticket, and the ART/Nucleo-specific fields applicable to the block selected will be sent to the devices upon request.

Rx-Universe will accept a modified front curve from the Nucleo, and re-calculate the job, as required, based on lab-specified differences between the the front curve

Complete details on implementing is available in Define Block Pieces and Selection Rules

XFD Changes


OMFREE.XFD - Added new fields:















Added new fields: