December 2024 : Rx-Universe Version 7.74.00
  • In progress
  • December 2024 : Rx-Universe Version 7.74.00

    Released on January 2, 2025



    Additional documentation for Rx-Suite modules updates please click link below:

    December 2024: Rx-Suite Version 1.24.X - Rx-Suite - Confluence



    The Rx-Universe Version 7.74.00 has introduced several new features, enhancements, and fixes. These updates collectively enhance the functionality, speed, and accuracy of Rx-Universe for users, ensuring smoother workflows and fewer issues in both order processing and system integration.

    New Features

    Rx-Universe New Features

    • When using a CRIB set (pre-defined CRIB sizes, such as for AR coating), the handling of one specific case has been changed:
      When the calculated CRIB is larger than the low CRIB, and less than the high CRIB, but the blank is smaller than the high CRIB, the CRIB will now be set to the blanksize, instead of leaving it as the calculated CRIB. This will produce the highest possible CRIB, closest to the high CRIB, for the coating ring.

    • Several new tags have been added to Rx-Universe for printing of cost and price information on work tickets and other user-defined templates:
      Order Pricing Tags

      _LENS_PRICE_LT - returns the price of the left lens (including any addons rolled into that price)
      _LENS_PRICE_RT - returns the price of the right lens (including any addons rolled into that price)
      _LENS_PRICE - returns the total price of both lenses 
      _LENS_XTRA_POWER - returns the extra power price  

      _LENS_COST_LT - returns the cost of the left lens
      _LENS_COST_RT - returns the cost of the right lens
      _LENS_COST - returns the total cost of both lenses 

      _ADDONn_DESC - returns the description of addon n (where n=1 to 15)
      _ADDONn_COST - returns the cost of addon n (where n=1 to 15)
      _ADDONn_PRICE - returns the price of addon n (where n=1 to 15)

      _SUBTOTAL - returns the subtotal of the order
      _TOTAL - returns the total price of the order


    Rx-Universe Enhancements

    Production Issues

    Rx-Universe Fixes

    • An issue was corrected where, when a device requested an order by PO number, if there were two orders with the same PO number, one completed today (pending completion), and another that is active, the interface would find only the pending completion order and therefore return a job not found condition. It will now return the active order.

    • When processing some API’s and other RxUniverse menu functions, if you tried to locate an order using the order’s PO number, it would not always locate the active order if another order completed today (pending completion) with the same PO# was found.

    • The blank list produced when calculating an order was not correct when blank substitution logic was used. The “Mixed” flag in blank substitution was doing the opposite of what it was intended to do.

    • When using PO number to request orders from devices, if there was a pending completed order with the same PO number as an active order, the device interface would located the pending completed order and not return the active order. This has been corrected.

    • When a remote order requests a frame that has an attached shape, the circumference was not being set on the order. This has been corrected.

    • A previous change was made to always handle DO as DOENG for engravers. The Device Interface Parameters, Other2 tab, has been changed to add a new checkbox “Send DO as DOENG for Engravers”. This will allow labs to have the ability to turn this option ON or OFF.

    • When a order has had a breakage, and the order goes through an ART manual blocker a second time, the values sent for GPRVM and KPRVM are not the same ones as the original call before a breakage was done. This has been corrected.

    • When a tracer uploads a 2-eye trace as an upload session and not a tracer session, the left-eye trace was not being saved. This has been corrected.

    • When making an active job a remake, the original order is now checked to see if a previous remake had been done. If so, the user is now prompted with a warning message.

    • Fixed an issue in the Lens Pick program. When searching for an order using it’s PO#, the program did not keep looking for the active order if a “pending completion” order was found first.

    • The Total Number of Stock Items on the Quantity & Valuation Summary report was not being printed. This has been corrected.

    • The Addon Code on the Addon Mods tab for Remote Labs was only saving 5 characters when it should have been saving 6 characters. This has been fixed.

    • Change to now copy the ETicketAdpater.DLL to Thin Client. This is used for the new SatisLoh E-Ticket system.

    • Changes to the Orders2 tab in System Settings to allow a third option for cylinder axis; zero to 180 .

    • Fix issue where the E-Ticket template request did not have an order number associated with it.

    • Fix issue that was causing the digital type click fees to be deleted

    • An issue with the XML order file was causing the field for “rtDigitalVendor” to be filled with partial time fields instead of the digital vendor name. This has been corrected.

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