Export Formats
Export formats control the data and information that is exported when exporting a record, as well as the overall design of the export.
The following data currently supports export formats:
Creating an Export Format
To create an export format, navigate to the records management screen of the data you want to export. For example, frame transfer export formats are located under Manage Inventory → Frame Transfer → Export Formats
To create a new export format, click on the Create button
Editing an Export Format
To create an export format, navigate to the records management screen of the data you want to export. For example, frame transfer export formats are located under Manage Inventory → Frame Transfer → Export Formats
To create a new export format, click on the Pen icon to the right of an export format line.
The Export Format form
Export formats allow you to specify free text before and after the export, which is controlled by the Notes (Before Table) and Notes (After Table) options. These notes appear on the PDF export, but are not present in a CSV export.
To determine what data should be included in your export format, click on the Add Column button.
From here, you can select as many elements are you want in your export.
Once you’ve selected your elements, they can be re-ordered by clicking and dragging on the element to re-position them.
Once you’re satisfied with your export format, give it a name and click on the Create button to save it.