3- Order with Frame
Patient Information
This is where you enter the pertinent information of your Rx Patient. Name, Order Date, Address & Wanted Date are self explanatory. The Order Number could be assigned to the ECP's pratice job # or to one of your choosing.
Edge Lenses to to Frame? The lab will expect the ECP to ship the Frame directly to them for Frame Tracing, Final Edging and Frame Mounting. Once Completed the Lab will ship back the order to the ECP.
Hold at Lab? Once complete the Job will be held at lab for either a pickup or bundled shipping.
Basic Information
This is where you would enter the Lens Information requested for the Job. The Fields would have been prepopulated by the Lab and would offer your the options that the Lab can produce.
Note: You can select more than 1 Addon in the Addons Field Simply by clicking on the the 2nd Available addon options. IE: You could choose "Crizal Alize" as the first "Addon" and then click on "Scratch Coating" as the additional "Addon".
Eye Information
Once you filled out the Basic Information about the lens, you will notice that the "Eye Information" pane expands and allow you to enter more data about the Rx.
Prescription Information
Here you can either choose left or right eye or both. Also where you will fill the information such as
- Sphere=Sphere Power,
- Cylinder Power,
- Axis,
- PDDec (Pupil Distance Decentration )
- NPDInset (Near Pupil Distance Inset )
- BOC (Below Optical Center)
- Add (Add Power of the segment)
- SegHT (Segment Height )
- Thickness (Thickness of the lens)
In this section you can enter and send the prescribed prism, you would enter the correct amount of Prism and then choose its Axis. View example below
Blank Overrides
Job Information
CAPE : Cape Head Angle
CLINIT : Wearer's Initial
HEADK : Head Eye Coefficient
Stab Coeff : Stability Coefficient
Prog Length:
Patient Height:
Near working : Working distance
diDominant eye: