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Comment: Added that we can do an inventory receiving without a PO


  • Go into the "Inventory" tab.
  • Select the "Lens Inventory Receiving" option:

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All Purchase Orders that have been released will be available for receiving based on the PO Number.  The The first Purchase Order will automatically be displayed on this screen.  You  

You can select the Purchase Order that you want to receive lenses for by selecting the correct PO Number from the list box, shown circled below.


There are currently 3 ways that you can receive lenses:

  • receive all lenses


  • receive by OPC


  • receive lenses manually


Receive All Lenses:

This option allows you to receive all lenses for the entire purchase order.  You can control this option by checking the "Allow "Receive All" while receiving lenses" check box on the Inventory tab in System Settings.

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Receive by OPC:

To receive lenses by scanning OPC codes, go to the "Enter OPC # or Qty" prompt at the bottom of the screen. Simply start scanning OPC codes.  As you scan each OPC code, it will appear in a list to the right for your reference.  If you wish to enter a quantity, first scan the OPC, then enter the quantity.  If a mistake is made, you can even enter a negative quantity.  


Receive Lenses Manually:

To manually receive lenses, simply double-click on an entry.  A new screen will appear showing showing the current quantity on hand the quantity ordered, the quantity received and the quantity pending for each base/add or sphere/cylinder combination.  Just click on the appropriate column and enter the quantity countedreceived in the pending row.  When finished, press the "Save" icon to save your changes or the "Exit" icon to exit without saving.

When you have finished receiving all of the lenses for the purchase order, click the "Post" button.  This option will take all of the lenses you have received, showing in the pending column, and post them against the purchase order.  

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You will be prompted if you have received all lenses that you are going to receive on the purchase order.  Click on the "Yes" button if you wish to close the purchase order, otherwise click on the "No" button.

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If the purchase order is still open, you will now see the quantities that you just received have moved from the pending column to the received column.

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A Lens Receiving Report will be generated during the Post process.

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Now with Rx-Universe you also have the ability to do an inventory receiving without a purchase order number (PO).

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